Survey about RDF *excited*

LFR being on this gives a clear picture this company still is entirely missing the point that we simply want the expansion as it was. Like it seems they really cannot grasp the fact that people have been playing 3.3.5 on private servers for well over a decade, many on larger servers that have never reset in their near decade of existence yet still maintain thousands of concurrent players daily.


same here. they really should have sent it out to everyone


hey look OP made 5 thread about RDF in less than 12 hours!

def not a troll stiring the pot


They add RDF and the shelf life of the game decrease by 50%


Nothing lasts forever my son

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Lol why even play? You’re just going to abandon the game like you did Retail.


Awesome. Gonna go check my email, definitely marking yes to LFD.


I’ve been playing wow for 15 years. YOU guys are the ones who left for private servers.

If it wasn’t for the “retail guys” there wouldn’t even be a classic.

Get off your high horse.


We left because you turned the game from a fun place where you meet people to a race lol

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Im sure you know where the door is since you’ve used it before. I’ll be playing wrath regardless but this…does put a smile on my face. :blush:


content comes so fast that RDF would have nothing to do with it… by the time the end of the xpansion is upon us people are only using RDF to lvl alts

I did not, though if they are actually sending out surveys on it, I’d like to be able to fill one out.

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would LFR be 10 or 25? if its 25 is the gear it gives the 10man gear??

This is exciting news!

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Yes to RDF, no to LFR. That’s a Cataclysm thing


Oh jeez. They are going to F up something so simple and cause another huge backlash. Just implement the game as it was. This is SO EASY.

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That’s not how surveys work.

You send them to the smallest sample size that will represent the total population with your desired level of confidence. Surveying the entire population does not return results that are significantly more reliable, and is very wasteful of your resources.

Also, that is NOT what ironic means.


Aannnndd here it comes. We can’t just RE-RELEASE the expansion as it were, can we? This is crazy, I really hope they aren’t contemplating this garbage… I get rdf, it was there in Wrath. Technically should be a day 1 feature being we are in 3.4 and classes seem to be functioning around 3.3.5 patch notes. Blizzard won’t allow us to have nice things, it seems.

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You must be talking about a census.

Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but I think they may just want to get data about what their players really think is the bridge too far. They may actually be looking to see if there’s majority support for RDF and majority opposition to LFR.