Surprise 30 day restriction with no reimbursement?

Split them and we’ll see. It could only reduce the population, but what’s left would only be the players who truly want to play Classic for Classic.

Hell, I don’t care at all if SoD is more popular. I could play the game I enjoy with players who also enjoy it. We all win.

I’ve said for a long time they should just make seasonal servers that don’t have any new rule sets and just reset everyone few months for the people like you who just want to play vanilla for forever.

This is actually massive W against bots, it doubled the cost they have to pay as an initial buy in to try and get money out, which was always the biggest lucrative piece, that means that an individual account needs to get twice as much gold and sell it to make the same amount of profit for them. It hurts them. It also gives blizzard an entire extra month of data they can use as a tool to find the accounts earlier for banning. It sucks, but people asked them to fight bots. Well, they are fighting bots.

Why not make it 45 days or 60? or 90? I actually think they should actually make new players pay $600 to unlock the full game.

Well that would certainly make things amazing for existing players. Bots would be defeated, completely unable to make a profit, but along with it, the buy in for most new players would be too much. It’s a balancing act obviously.

Ah I see, and 30 days is clearly the perfect balance. In the middle of a new player’s first subscription, in fact. A bait and switch, one might say.

How are we supposed to have bank alts for storage when we cant mail items???

He doesn’t think.

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No, it might not be the perfect balance. Blizzard can’t know the account / profit ratio of the bots. They have said this server is an experiment, and it should be treated like an alpha or beta, and will not have the same level of polish as other versions. This is actually a pretty common tactic used to fight bots in other MMO’s, and some DO have restrictions for 60, or even 90 days (though that’s the longest I’ve seen before) in order to fight bots.

I was under the impression you could not mail items to other players, that the change does not affect mailing items to your own account.

Explain what is being done? And why?

Damn, really? Like which ones? Even RuneScape doesn’t do this. That’s the only other one I have knowledge of. I can’t imagine it’s common at all actually.


Returning players can’t trade or use the AH or mail for 30 days on SoD.

You have obviously only played the huge AAA+ MMO’s that have the manpower to fight bots. SoD does not, it has 8 people.

Ah, so no other MMOs that anyone plays or even knows of. Got it.

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Small indie company btw.

Can not mail items at all, or at least I can’t. I’m past the 30 day lockout but have the issue where its all still restricted. It’s incredibly frustrating playing the game on a new content release with 10 usable storage slots in my inventory, juggling quest items, vendor trash, and expensive BoEs that I would like to auction but can’t. I have probably had to vendor well over 200 gold worth of stuff to be able to continue playing and raiding with my guild.

It’s not an AH ban, ALL new players etc cannot utilize that and trading etc for SoD for 30 days.

My feeling right now is that I went into a famous restaurant, I ordered the food. After the waiter brought out all the food I ordered, he then said sorry because it was my first time here, so they weren’t going to provide any forks or drinks. He asked me to come back in a month, then I could have all I needed. I don’t know who made the suggestion and decision. It’s really dumb.


Then I misunderstood their initial posting. I think mailing internally between your own characters should be allowed at least.

There was another issue that went out around the same time where people would be thrown into Solo Self Found mode randomly. Is it possible you might have gotten caught up in that bug?