Surprise 30 day restriction with no reimbursement?

I have contacted support in everyway I can, bug reports in game, posting on bug report forums and talking to community managers in support threads. From what they said, there was never a solo self found bug, it was always this and they just never said anything for 3 days, today was the first official acknowledgement of the issue at all. I was told there was nothing to do and just have to wait for devs to find a fix with no ETA.

Oh don’t forget the part where THEY TOOK YOUR MONEY first then served you the cold steak you ordered without the fork, knife, and drinks. They didn’t tell you that would be the case, but they did it anyway. Oh, also you didn’t know it, but technically you agreed to it when you entered the restaurant, so good luck complaining. Oh also, also, the owner and mangement doesn’t care.

Well my guildie who I have played with on their character since the start of SoD and who was able to do everything fine UNTIL Phase 3 launch and then was locked out of the AH and mail for 3 days before being fixed said it was a Solo Self Found issue.

It would seem weird for him to be playing and paying for a sub at least since last December and randomly have this issue for only a few days.

Their automated “fix” went though sometime on the 7th, but didn’t work for everyone. All I can attest to is there was no official statement about a “SSF bug” but there was for this restriction, and the fact that there is a bug that the fix missed a lot of people.

Now THAT sounds like a big problem and a huge QA issue. Major changes with massive bugs impacting the incorrect people with no direct cause or resolution definitely feels like a major concern.

Where is my epic game experience blizzard ?

Edited from here:

So how many months do I have to keep paying/playing to be able to play normally, being treated like a bot just for being new is not nice. I understand bots can ruin all players experience, but you choose sacrifice the new players experience instead. I am in the middle of my second month suscripcion and I can mail/trade , but I can’t use auction hall, so is not 30 days restriction. It doesn´t take too much give a small explanation and say if this is going to continue in the future, so I can move on and find something else to play.

update: I tryed again after the maintenance and the AH works for me now.

The stuff you say really doesn’t sound like you new to wow. Actually sounds like you know a lot for a new player hmm… now i wounder if that person calling you a botter on to something.

People are losing money with RMTs and bots, that’s what they’re pissed about. It’s understandable. But why should new players have to ruin their lives? After all, when you reach 50, you can’t even send your tween the loot for further sale, you can’t even clear your bags.

Why? Because I understand how the basic concepts of botting? Yea I played RuneScape for 10 years. Never touched WoW until 10 days ago. The amount of paranoia you guys have concerning bots and new players is astounding though. A lot of you seem to think it’s super unlikely that new people are playing WoW for the first time, despite SoD being a popular and new-player friendly game mode.

We’re on the same page

I just decided to give this Season thing a try in classic. What are people talking about when the talk about combat bots? Bot stuff has been around forever and there were multiple ban hammers dropping but are we saying this is still a big issue even today?

They have 20 years of brainrot and think literally anything anti-bot is a positive. They could make this sanction 90 days instead of 30 and they would cheer even harder.

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Things are more advanced now, the whole AI thing. People can probably develop bots and cheats and unfortunately the reality is that it can not be stopped. I remember reading an article once some guy wrote exposing the whole bot chess match. He mention something about tool called “unlocker” or something along that way that allow developers of these bots to do a lot more with the code than some simple lua scripting. No idea what exactly these unlockers do other than i guess “unlock” possibilities. It’s never going to be perfect and i guess we just need to accept it.

No way… go double gathering and profit…

Not about bots only. New players don’t really worry about profession or ah they mostly focus on lvling and learning the game but you seem to know a lot more than a normal new player. When i was new to wow i was so focus on questing, lvling maybe pvp. Last thing i cared about was ah and knowing best professions. Personally I can’t picture new generation playing this game its mostly for old people 30+. It’s just so much better games out there.

This bad for an already declining game. And super scumy to not least let people know there loosing access to some of the most important things in the game.

Especially now that if you actually playing chances are you going to be 50 well before 30 days. Imagine having to be SSF at 50 because blizz can’t just ban bots

its still mind boggling that people think blizzards decision to block all new and returning players from accession so much of the game they paid for is them blocking rmt and botting when the bots still exist because blizzard let them roam free for months, hense theyre not effected by this change. And with nightmare incursions they basically gave gold sellers a massive printing press for gold like never before.

I don’t think you give enough credit to new players playing this game in 2024. There’s more information on the Internet about this game than probably any other game ever. And gamers have figured out the MMO formula by now, it’s not as mysterious and novel as it was in 20 years ago.

I’ve spent 90% of my time questing. With the XP boost you get in SoD, you level up very fast, giving you more opportunity to explore late game stuff like professions, dungeons, and raids. Also, pick any intro to WoW video on YT and it will tell you about these things and to try them out early.

That may be true, especially with how Blizzard is deciding to treat new players. A 20 year old is not going to play self-found mode for 30 days before having access to the full game.


I would be livid if a game pulled this on me.

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Pretty sure the first “world of warcraft” in that list is retail.