Suramar Horde Reconnections

Haaaay. Deadlois / Tribbles here.

Used to be in Obliterate, OWT, Restitution, Strychnine Solution (still have some in there).

Currently trouncing around Alliance as Comcast, Fios, & Melanzana on occasion.
Also have Grenadine on Horde now.

I married & procreated with Remote/Onemote-twomote-etc/Motes, if anyone remembers the 5-boxing draenei shaman group.

I vote for Mankrik as the classic server. Nothing was as heartbreaking as telling that poor guy his wife was toast. Love y’all <3.

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Sup Posiedon I remember you. Sorry Perversion, that name is not ringing a bell for me.

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It’s quite alright. Because I remember you. I didn’t speak up much due to being a kid back then and nervous as hell being in MC at the time. Nice seeing you again, though. :slight_smile:

Hiya. I was skysha, druid back then. I just wanted to say hi to any Soulbound guildies that may stop by here. I miss you all! We had some great times. Have fun to those who will reroll. Sadly my computer is dead and the internet sucks out in no where land. /Hugs

Ahh hey I remember your name! I raided in Onslaught for a bit, and then I was in Seventh Column for TBC and some of Wrath before I had to stop playing. Had a Hunter named Perforate.

For those trying to get into a suramar refuge realm. A few of us are heading to Mankrik. :slight_smile: Roll up there if you want to catch us.

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I think… possibly… rings a bell… Something about a shadow priest running MC in healer gear?

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Okay. I’m late to the party. I get it. Everyone’s already forgotten about this post.

I went by Bob. Cz. Czeuthtxua. Tauren druid. Always healing. Raided from last 2005 to launch of TBC with a guild called Redemption. Ran by a guy named Akiro, who was a mage that always had the burning sh*** and spoke about it during MC. Sound familiar to anyone?


Posi! I remember you!

Don’t think Gangriel plays anymore and haven’t talked to Wars and Angel in a couple years. I do remember Gang telling me, “This dude just saved our rear, we should make friends” lol

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Enderofdeath Undead Mage

I really can’t remember the name of the guild I was in but I do remember OWT, Midnight, and running pvp with Anime Samurai

Yes, I too was in Redemption as a resto druid and a MM hunter Censured and Evilkermit were the toon names…lol

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Bonsey! I remember you as well! Dang, I knew I’d forgotten some names. It has been so long!

Voltara here! Lets got my name reserved! Lets do this! For the Horde!

I was in Suramars most wanted! Troll Rogue Voltara here!

Hey ‘Bob’ xD

Yo! Ive been on Suramar since 05, raided with Exalted, House of Daogth, and then Overblink in Cata. I mained a Tauren Hunter named Kildlan(Been a Troll since MoP) also had a ton of alts with the “Kil” in it. Also ran a twink guild called “AFK with the Flag” as Sandman the orc rogue. Would love to reconnect with any old homies and get down like the old days in Classic!

I still play a bit, mostly Crusade the pally. The wife and I very casually split time between Perenolde ally and Suramar Horde now, with one of every flavor 110+. It’s wild seeing people from so long ago and see how things have changed. Now all we need is the lag, DC’s and wait lists to make this really seem like vanilla.


I actually recognize your name!

Hi Censured! I was, or am still Lillyandra! I ran with y’all back in the day!

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Hi everyone!

I’m still Lillyandra, though these days I’m on my Mage Aurelan.

I married Concubine, Troll Priest, member of Relic back in the day. Used to play in Sanctuary with Kagamitsu. I ran with Censured, Magerooster, Fusslebus, and others!