Suramar Horde Reconnections

I was EziSarious, Tauren Shaman.

I was the leader of The Black Mercs, the first guild om Suramar to lead PvP assaults on alliance locations way back before there was an honor system, and PvP was just for the fun of PvP.

I raided with Midnight for a short time, and was the recruitment officer for Dragon I under GM Mao, if anyone remembers him as well.


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Hey Ezi,

I was Vachtor, one of the tanks for DI… guess I’m checking out classic now…

I ran a small guild with Raim called Thirteen Devils.

Filho - Tauren Hunter
Darthfedor - Tauren Warrior

Have mained my paladin since Burning Crusade. Went through a few name changes Ticklish > Tritium > Dimmn.


We were in Red Right Hand till I left because of that whole bro rape video I put on the guild webpage lollol.

Yo! I knew Deathscythe as well!

Jecht? He was in my group when we cleared MC for the first time. Maybe we were in the same raid! Nice.

AFJ Ezisarious. Was apart of ‘The Black Mercs’ back in its heyday. Was a troll rogue named Powerslave, was good friends with the Tauren Druid named Habbakuk! Would love to run it back with you!

So let me know what server you plan on running on and I’ll join you, mate.

Censured here, I was a Tauren Druid on Suramar since 2004 also known as Evilkermit the troll hunter or Demonickill the undead warlock played with several raiding guilds and players i remember being in the guild were Fusslebus, Magerooster, Bell, Snodgrass, Polarized, and Deathmages…hit me up if you remember me and let me know if you will be on classic!!

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I remember you

I played Msgrimreaper mage, ran with jrgrim priest healer and srgrim a tank. Looking to reconnect with old friends.

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Mishmash I remember you! I was Mikeh or Meeko!

I use to play as Dilbert the undead warrior in One World Tribe. I think that was the only guild I was in during Classic era. I played a troll shaman named Groo too.

I don’t remember too many people outside of OWT and Anime Samurai. I remember Zivya and Nights. I know there’s others but it feels like a lifetime ago.

Was in Restitution and Vilified during BC era. I played on and off during Wrath and left Suramar during Cata.


Hey dark! Long time no see.

Satyricon undead rogue. Raided in onslaught and then maybe Eradication and Dragon I.

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Hey what sup
i miss the old days.
If still play lets get together again lol

AFJ Brethren!

Miss playing with you all. Hope you’re doing awesome.

Yes, I’m still on Suramar (I don’t think I could ever leave). Definitely planning on playing classic casually, but not sure I have the time to do as much as before! Seeing a lot of familiar names in this thread!

I was originally in a guild called SKULL CRACKER UNION and then joined The Black Mercs, and ended vanilla in Dragon I. Would love to reconnect with anyone from this time (or any time really).


AFJ Alienshark! I remember you clearly now that I see your name. Man, I remember you helping me out several times. Miss you man! Like I said up a bit, I was a Troll Rogue named Powerslave back in the day.

Powerslave! What is up man? I remember you for sure. I think I have some screenshots of us somewhere… I’ll have to see if i can find them!

Man, if you do. You’ll have to add me on some sort of media. Would love to get a copy of some of those screen shots. Let me know which Classic server you’ll be on. I’m thinking Mankrik to simulate the Suramar days. I’m not sold on it though. Probably going to be rolling a Shaman as well, I might pick up the rogue again too.

Hows it going guys! forgot to throw the Suramars Most Wanted and MSG Unit guild references out there as well


Not sure if there is any interest. I just created a discord for Suramar Classic Meetup if anyone wants to join here is the ID, since I’m not allowed to post a URL: vYcCDT3

Might be easier to share screenshots and direct message people if needed. Join if you so feel inclined. Would love to hear from people!