Suramar Horde Reconnections

Caelestis undead warlock here. I mostly played during Vanilla & TBC in the guilds Avengers of the Horde and Sanctuary. I see some guilds and names I recognize but didn’t necessarily get to know well back then. I will be Caelestis UD Lock on Mankrik for classic!

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Holy crap hey there Lilly!!

Dimmn who were you in vanilla?

Suramar reunite on Mankrik ftw and For The Horde!!

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I was also in the Black Mercs, Dragon I and 7th column! My character was Hellany, an undead holy priest!

AFJ Hellany! I actually recognize you! I was Powerslave. Troll Rogue. Nice to see you again!

Indeed. I’ll see everyone on Mankrik. My first toon that I’ll be leveling will be a Undead Mage named after my first toon: Powerslave. I hope to see you all there, and don’t be afraid to add me, or whisper me to group up! Will be working hard to get to 60.

Will be making a Shaman and a Rogue after that, but Powerslave (Undead Mage) will be my first priority.

Only just read this post. Wait. You’re Eolith? I remember you! I could swear we were close friends!

I remember lots of the names here.

Slridah-Brutal Truth my original guild, Then ran Anime Samurai for a while after Rucati burned out and did some PVE stuff through Zul Gurub and then did raiding with with Damage Control until I retired. Came back a couple of years ago being super casual mythic plus pugging with my holy Pally Niccii and resto sham Adobo. Nice to see all you guys around.

For those wanting to get in contact with the SU Horde MU discord and want to get a gang of us back together. Feel free to add my Battlenet and we’ll be happy to add you and organize.


Wow, lots of former guildies.

Ledgic rouge. Raided in Onslaught, Erad through TBC. Coming back to classic for a little fun.

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Vach! What’s up, man!! Great to hear from you!
Hey if you’re checking out classic, look EziSarious up on the Ateish server. I won’t be on a ton, but me and one of my brother’s (Nebohtes, if you remember him as well) will be on a couple dr00ds.

AFJ, Powerslave! Yaeh, man I remember. Those were some good times sacking Alliance locales. Hey, we’re on Atiesh in Classic if you haven’t already settled on a server. Good to hear from you, man hope all is well with you and yours.

Hellany! So good to see some of the familiar faces from back in the day! Are you still playing? If you’re hitting Classic, we’ll be on Ateish. Maybe a bit casual, but will be fun to see the old content as it was! Good to hear from you!

I remember leveling with you and playing lots with some of those cool cats. You also helped me get the hide of the wild plan.

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Somewhat of a wanted ad here. Again this is Buzlightyear, Orc Warlock who started on Suramar. While with Seventh Column we did a guild transfer later to I believe Arathor which is not on the connections list because it was around until later but I’m hoping that the others thought the same as I and went to our home server. I’m looking for just about anyone who spent a length of time with us in Seventh Column, especially if you were apart of the transfer down the road)

Names I can remember at the moment:

Sorry I know there are so many more just speak up so I know you’re alive! :smiley:


Dude! Satyricon! Is your brother going to be playing at all? We’d always go on some crazy adventures!

Yes he is, he reserved some names on fairbanks horde. Whoops, posted on the wrong toon.

Dian (warlock) here, alt was Dulan (warrior). Raided with Fist of the Horde and Damage Control primarily. I see a lot of familiar names, and will probably come in once the launch week dies down to relive nostalgia and maybe catch up with people for a few months. I’ve been out of the game for ~9 years.

Names I can remember and would be looking out for include Jorthicka, Wrath, Celevin, Krest, Ridah, Akkim, and so many more people.

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Alienshark! How are you! I’m still on Suramar too, look me up!

Hai Lois. I think I remember the motes guys. Did he have a brother that played on suramar too? I think I was in a guild with him. I remember a 5 boxing shaman that would stand in Org making stars with chain heal