Support using A.I. Copy & Paste Response

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The irony of this post pertaining to lawyering the rules has me laughing hysterically. I will not be reading anymore tonight. Thank you for that last laugh Kyzera.

My own narrative?

Also, which three words? I weigh what I say and there aren’t three words I’m hinging on?

I’ve tried to provide you with information in regards to the issue you brought here. I’ve also been kind enough to readily provide you with the information you certainly could have googled yourself, had you bothered.

You came to CS, railing about AI when there is none at play. Your fellow players reported a name you chose. GMs reviewed those reports and agreed with them that you broke the rules and the name(s) is inappropriate for the game. They then sent out a templated response saying the sanction will be upheld.

That isn’t a narrative, that is what has been stated time and time again by the SFAs who continually battle this misinformation people like to spread.

If all that you provided were other examples of why you thought the name to bee appropriate and it wasn’t screenshots of other players’ inappropriate names? Then I will apologize for my presumption. Most of the time the first thing people like to do is point fingers at everyone else breaking the rules rather than taking responsibility for their own failing. My presumption was based on those many, many cases and so I am sorry for that.


Why, because you mistook Customer Support as Customer Service? (Not the first time, and probably won’t be the last either) - but they’re also not wrong. This is a player help player forum and not a direct avenue to Blizzard for feedback or assistance.


Hey y’all,

I recognise at least one of these names from SoD forums and I am pretty certain they are not interested in looking for support. Just a heads up.


Unfortunately, a lot of people treat this forum as an argument clinic.


Oh god.

And you believe it?

His last video trying to show something about Blizzard was debunked to death.

Yes, not everyone though. Tickets are being addressed still.


Yah, it’s over in the SoD forums.

He’s released a new video and Customer Support and the SFA’s (and GM’s in tickets) are gonna be dealing with the crazy, and the time wasted debunking, from it for a long time. It buys into conspiracy and AI and automated this and that for xrealm/game version gold trading bans. It’s dumb and, sadly, a lot of people are going to cite it as the truth. I am certain it is making the dude money.

Anyway, I’ve seen it mentioned more than once in one thread I started advising people to be very careful re: xversion gold trading. It has been in others there as well.

So be prepared to hear about it for…years. le sigh


Doesn’t matter if it’s used elsewhere. Blizzard has absolute and final authority to determine if it’s appropriate for use in their game. Apparently, it isn’t. I’d suggest choosing another, more appropriate name, and following Orlyia’s advice to self-report any other names you’re using on other characters that might also fall short of the EULA.


I mean i believe it when i’ve had friends who got automated responses that i know for a fact didnt buy gold but were banned because they swapped gold with a gold swapper who prob sold the gold. the automated responses they give to my tickets to is just annoying its just ctrl A ctrl C ctrl V responses to any ticket that involves RMT

Yeah dealing with dirty gold gets you the bonk, even if you weren’t aware of it, that said “swapping” gold doesn’t make me think they weren’t.


No one reported the name for 2 years, That does not make the name acceptable. From what the blue said a bunch of your names are in violation. She even said you should self report them. You would get a free chance to rename with out further account actions.


You can not believe what most streams say, More over the ones who did the video showing off about the automated Squelch. Not going to say his name but he loves drama and exaggerate for views.

Yes and as for the gold trading, Blame the gold sellers. Also for the GDKP runs people getting jammed for the stolen gold as well.

Why because we still have a lot of people buying gold from them.


In trying to “prove” Blizzard’s responses were “automated”, not only did he prove they were not automated, he earned himself a suspension for encouraging people to abuse the report system. I gotta admit that was funny. And he still tried to play it off like he did nothing wrong and it was the evil bot.


I feel he does more harm to the game than good with his conspiracy theories and narrative even though he’s been wrong soo many times.

There are 2 streamers I can not stand and he is one of them. Sure he’s making a lot of money but at the end of the day it’s all due to drama that seems to pander to whatever the latest conspiracy theory is. Boils down to the fact the drama creates interest.


Given the very public comments made by Blizzard leadership, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him get a very public suspension/permaban soon. I know the optics wouldn’t be great for Blizzard, but with a statement outlining why the decision was made, I think most players would understand. His sycophant fans would rage, of course.

From my understanding, he has had unprecedented access to Blizzard developers and been shown what they do, how they do it, and why they do it…and he continues to make these videos pushing false narratives.

Because, like Nephe said:

And especially:


Yep, if you go back through some of his old videos, he has at times made good points and constructive criticism. But the conspiracy theories…ugh, no.


Perhaps, the template used are fairly generic, so it usually won’t be that specific. Sorry for the confusion.

The policies involved tend to be a bit vague, as they are intended to cover a wide array of sins. The in-game Code of Conduct often focuses on inappropriate behavior such as using profanity or inappropriate subject matter, toxicity. As the others pointed out, it does specifically list “advertisement” it in the Social Contract, which covers both suggested behaviors and outlines social policy.

Outside of that, you are most likely looking for a section of the EULA. My best non-legal guess would say Section 1, subsection C part iii.

communicating or facilitating (by text, live audio communications, or otherwise) any commercial advertisement, solicitation or offer through or within the Platform;

Much of it comes down to impact on your fellow players and what makes sense. Does it make sense that we would allow you to build up your streaming profile within the game? Is that good for the in-game community? Or do you think that would just lead to budding influencers spamming public chat with their YouTube, Twitch and other social media platforms?

I hope that helps.