Support using A.I. Copy & Paste Response

After being wrongfully spam reported, I spent an hour typing out a response and getting picture evidence only to be met 20 minutes later with an A.I. response.

After responding to that I am met with a copy and paste of the exact same message.
No one even took the time to read what I wrote.


Appeal tickets are meant as a request for a GM (will be a different GM for each appeal) to look over your penalty and decide whether it shall stand (i.e., evidence supports the penalty) OR to decide to withdraw the penalty (i.e., evidence shows the penalty was made in error).

It is not meant as a form of communication where you plead your case.

You can continue to submit appeals until they tell you that no more appeals will be accepted in reference to that penalty.


Looks to me they used a templated response which is very common across Customer Support departments, to maintain an uniform reply.

If they don’t deviate from the stance (penalty not removed → penalty removed) then they also do not need to change the response in question.


Can not tell you how many people come here claim to be wrongfully spam reported, Only to find out that was not the case. Had more to do with their toxic chat and use of profanity


Fyi if this is for language if you got behavior warnings then a few people reported you. If you got a squelch then a whole bunch did. If neither happened then just one or a couple did.


If only I had a quarter every time someone here came crying about being “spam reported” or “mass reported” - I’d be a very, very rich lady. If you did or said something that went against the rules you have agreed to many times over? It takes only a single report to bring you under investigation, no matter what the Reddit Rabble wants to screech about. If you truly got spam reported, the worst thing that could have happened would have been that you were temporarily squelched. And that squelch only lasts up to twenty-four hours until a GM can look into things to see if they agree with the reports or if they don’t.

Your entire realm could report you because they don’t like your mog, and guess what? If you weren’t doing anything wrong, nothing would happen to you - outside of that possible squelch. And if you were spam reported (which while I’m not denying that people may try to do this), there has yet to been a confirmed case by our SFAs. In fact, several times I’ve seen where the SFAs comment that they can see that it wasn’t massive reporting happening. And if you were being spam reported, at worst it would bring you under review a bit faster. That’s it.

Wouldn’t have done anything to hurt or help your case. Blizzard only uses their logs. Nothing else. Any screenshots or videos or anything else of the like can be doctored while the data from their systems is inviolate. I’m not accusing YOU of doctoring, only that because they can’t prove whether your evidence is legit or not, it bears no weight on your appeal.


The number of reports received has nothing to do with a name being appropriate for our game - or not.

I’d also suggest you review your character list and self-report any of your other names that don’t fall within our naming guidelines.

This type of penalty tends to double with each subsequent infraction.


Touching on this once more after Orlyia’s post. If you’re collecting picture evidence of other peoples’ bad naming choices rather than just reporting those people? That was a waste of your time as well as the GMs. And it doubly makes you part of the problem. Like with your name, Blizzard is reactive. You don’t know if those people have been reported and are being investigated now. You don’t know if they renamed those toons the same names after being reported before.

Pointing out other people’s bad acts do not absolve you of your own.

Report those who break the rules, including yourself, if you’ve got other characters named inappropriately, as Orlyia mentioned. Those social sanctions double up really quickly and people have had their accounts closed due to them.

Good luck to you no matter your choices.


I was spam reported as well and silenced for a week. The time frame is probably so short because I’ve never been suspended before. I appealed twice and received the same copy / paste messages from the same GM. It said I was flagged for “multiple instances of chat abuse” which I know is completely false. I rarely even use the general chat in game. If I had been abusive to anyone in chat, I’d remember it. I’d just own it and move on with my mistake.

Instead, Blizzard can’t even tell me what was said that classifies as me being abusive. I have since turned off every in game chat channel. Because I can’t even receive clarification of what was said, I’m not going to bother using their chat systems for fear of being spam reported again due to Blizzard having no one on their end confirming that these mass reports are justified.

To be clear, no one “spam reported you” they just reported you and yes, the duration was minimal due to haven’t no prior social penalties.

In your case, Dualblade, it would be for advertising your Twitch stream. We don’t allow such advertisements in-game or on our forums.


But… how else are we to get free name changes after we give our characters names we dont like… like… bank… We thought it was gonna be a bank but now its a bank thats doing max damage in new content.

You don’t get free name changes just because you don’t like a name. Names that break the ToS are reportable (only in that instance will a GM decide whether or not the name breaks ToS and will choose whether to give you the forced name change), but any other reason you’re going to need to pay for it.

Retail Name Change:

Progressive Classic (WotLK/Cata):


You don’t get free name changes for names you don’t like. That is what the Paid Name Change service is for.

To be quite honest, Blizzard doesn’t have to give anyone the self-report service like they do. This is simply a cordial thing they do. Everyone is expected to abide by the Naming Policy, and they would be well within their rights to suspend players at the first offense.

Abusing the self-report service for free name changes could result in account penalties, and possibly Blizzard abandoning the service for everyone.


It takes an insane amount of time to type out a coherent, understandable e-mail that provides relevant information, is free from typos and other grammatomical mistakes, and doesn’t require multiple edits (because you don’t get to take it back once it’s sent).

Templates are good. I should use them more myself.


Well said this is why ticket times back in the day dropped dramatically when they started doing this. If they had to write out a reply for each ticket things would take a lot longer. All about finding ways to do something smarter and since a lot of the tickets are about some of the same things they can have templates to fit the most common situations.



This is actually really helpful to know and I appreciate you responding. My confusion was that both the e-mail and tickets stated “multiple instances of chat abuse”. I feel this should have stated “advertisement in chat”. I honestly thought my account was compromised as I have had no ill intentions towards anyone in general chat before and was left scratching my head as to what the heck was going on.

I am also still confused as to the automated responses from the in game tickets. The responses told me to review the polices, which I did twice. I did not see anywhere in the policies that linking a twitch channel or youtube channel in general chat is prohibited. Perhaps the information is in another link? Or I misread the polices twice.

I have no problem with the policy, if that is indeed what it is. My problem is the lack of clarity and human response from the in game tickets. I just couldn’t get a straight answer as to what the problem actually was. Which ultimately I received from you, which I am grateful for. Had you not responded to me, I could have very well just done the same thing on accident and been silenced again.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. I’m sure stuff like this might be considered a simple or small task that you deal with through out your day, but it does go a long way for a player to get a response and a clarity from a real person.

You’re awesome. <3


To be frank on this, it’s the same thing. Posting any ads to outside of the game would be chat abused because you’re using it isn’t meant for. They can’t give same detailed X, Y and Z for every little thing as folks tend to think X should be Y and such when there’s a rule for that as a whole.


They used to 15 years ago. The exact text / phrase of what was said would be in the body of the e-mail, so that the player would know exactly what was the problem.

Imagine the city coming to your home and writing up a violation for something being wrong and giving you a fine, but they didn’t put exactly what the problem was. They just said “out of code compliance”. Is it weeds? Broken window? Improper storage of a boat or trailer? I’m sure the owner wouldn’t have a problem fixing the issue if they knew what it was.

The in game tickets are just too vague. I’ll never use them again. I got a response in less than an hour from Vrakthris on the forums and it wasn’t even from a thread I created.

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Bear in mind that that was solely at Vrak’s discretion and is not guaranteed to happen again in the future. Additionally, the Support forums do not generally have Agents present outside business hours.

For most things you will be referred to submitting tickets as they do not share job scope.


Yeah and that’s fair. Which is why I was grateful for Vrakthris’s response.

Like I said. If that’s the policy, so be it. But I think I’ll stick to discords in the future instead of in game chat channels for anything I want to do or say in game. The ticket system is just too inadequate.