Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it


Really a team of devs that refuse to communicate with us want to preach to us about how much more social we can be. It’s a clownworld.


nope, it’ll be “WTS dps spots heroic world tuur 500G whole spole, all boes reserved, all plate/cloth dps gear reserved orbs reserved.”

Thats me, i’ll be doing that.

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Y’all do realize these heroics are being cleared at 77 right?

It’s going to take you far longer to find a group than to clear the actual heroic.

They literally take 15 minutes just pull packs together and AOE them down and bosses take around 20 seconds to kill.

Imagine purposely wanting to make the game longer for no reason…


hopefully one of yall dps can tank it!

You’re right, that’ll be you paying 500g

Great! that means a DPS plate wearer like a DK or a fury warrior can tank the dungeon. Should mean even more groups are pulled together than with RDF, meaning LFG tool would result in even more dungeons at end game <3

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Imagine trying to turn a classic MMO-RPG into a speed-running GOGO mentality arcade game.


thats what i should do!!! no mage port or warlock summon, or kick.

Yeah gatekeepers wanting to min/max their party for the fastest easiest possible run are ridiculous. Hopefully we get RDF instead.


this is where the gogo meme from the crendor vids came from.

lol right, OP is in for a well deserved reality check


nah i’ll be here to keep the gate. find a guild! bypass me! <3

my favorite is the guy who goes afk at the start of the dungeon. Like how? you hit the accept button, how are you afk?!?

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I keep forgetting that heroic dungeons are actually end game for some of you guys those lower skilled players.

You couldn’t be further from the truth if you tried. With RDF tanks and healers can run more than one heroic per day so more people can get their badges.

You either know this and are ignoring it, or you didn’t play wrath and you’re guessing.

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:rofl: Epic dungeoneer and pet battler

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Why does everyone assume a pro elitist gate keeper meta slave whatever terms??? i’m a pretty casual player, that enjoys the classic spirit of classic wow and hope that blizz will continue to make decision that preserve that spirit. I don’t care about the 99 parsers pro meta slave crowd, I simply don’t play with them! I find people like me and play with them… how is that so easy for me but seems to impossible for others? Am i blessed with some casual holy aura of successful gameplay??


in wrath that legit made me wanna die thooo

everyone can run more than one heroic per day.

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I’m not sure of the numbers and neither are you. But the fact is many us do not like RDF, its ok for people to have different opinions.

I disagree. Regardless rather you choose to just /w for invite or use lfg to gather more players, manually forming groups are inherently more social than an auto tool. There is no arguing that.

Each group being able to choose their members is in its self a social interaction.

You may choose not to but others will and will enjoy that interaction. Like most things you get out of if what you put in.

Boomer ~1955 - 1964. I do not fall in that age range. If you are attempting some sort of slight, ok I guess lol. I like grouping and gathering at the dungeon. Different people enjoy different things.

Video games are a waste of time, if this bothers you perhaps you need a new hobby.

Nonsense, its absolutely supported, I was there it happened lol. Your view that things are impossible is an unsupported assertion you are pushing to further your cause.