Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

The reason the forums are almost exclusively pro-RDF is because it was removed. If they revert that decision, forums will becasue almost exclusively against RDF.

Man, way to start yet another thread on this topic that’s already been spoken about a million times already. Truly original; you deserve an award, my fellow human.

But its the teleporting he has a problem with! Hes just going to use his hearthstone to get to Dalaran, do the dungeon and then his mage buddy is going to port him to Stormwind.

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This is incorrect and historically inaccurate, there were no Anti-RDF posts before RDF was removed in beta.


did you post this on the other 10 threads that are pro RDF?

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Highly doubtful.
The amount of threads would increase, but thats only if they hopped on every single one of their alts and posted threads on them.

I’m not even going continue to answer that lol

Your hyperbole is impressive to be sure.

They are not, many us dislike RDF.

This fallacy has been disproven ad nauseum. We know empirically that players can progress in WotLK without RDF because we did it through the first 3 phases of 5 just fine.


I don’t think it’s needed. But I’m not going to come onto the forums and complain that it needs to be removed if they add it. I’ll play the game with or without RDF.

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Yes, almost enough to group up for warsong gulch


It doesn’t do any of that correct.

It doesn’t make the game more social was the whole point of anti RDF.

You will que up for a heroic and all the people and groups doing that heroic will see you and if you’re an AOE meta class they will toss an invite.

There won’t be any talking or any more social activity with this tool.

I guess if you wanna waste your time flying to your heroics, which is a odd way to play, that’s more of a boomer thing tho.

Got to arbitrarily make the game longer and waste more of my time for reasons.


This is an unsupported assertion and is rejected by the reality that back then min/max and knowing best class/spec wasn’t a thing, gatekeeping was much less. Just when gearscore started to peak it’s ugly head, RDF saved the day and kept the game inclusive for everyone.

I’d sooner be convinced to buy a bridge.

Would you like me to? This forum is jacked with repeat posts, I’d be here all day. Honestly, I’m not proving a point for pro or anti RDF, I could care less; but good lord, the forums are sad enough as it is without the constant topic repetition.

If they absolutely need to put it in to please the solo players, then make it only for WOTLK content and only once you’ve reached 80. :ok_hand::blush:

This is literally the opposite of a compromise

i love wotlk, its my second favorite expansion

30 minutes later
can someone help summon?


Thats when OP says NO, you must travel to us. There will be no porting in MY groups


Another day, same discussion, same people.

I’ve accepted the fact that blizzard had made another horrible decision. I know I’m not alone when I say this, but if it’s still a pain to find a group in wrath… I’m just going to find another game yet again while they sort their problems.