Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

It’s like there’s an ice cream machine at blizzard and it only serves chocolate ice cream the majority of people who work there love chocolate ice cream.

A very small minority doesn’t like chocolate ice cream so they tell blizzard to remove chocolate ice cream and add vanilla because they are just love vanilla ice cream so blizzard is like don’t worry we got you so they remove the chocolate ice cream and add peppermint ice cream.

This is exactly what’s happening and you guys are cheering.


Do you have friends that you play with by chance?

and reserve all orbs and boes, and all dps gear for my offspecc. you forgot those things, super important.

Not a whole lot to be honest. I have a guild I raid with.

The reason I don’t want RDF is that dungeons are already the best way to progress your character, it doesn’t need a tool to make it even more powerful. The game will be fine if its not a dungeon simulator.

Everyone pro RDF wants to grind dungeons from 15 to 70/80 and then wants to run 10+ heroics a day. It’ll be fine without it.


Then don’t use RDF? If they do decide to actually work on the game and put RDF in, you aren’t being forced to use it if you don’t want to.


Dungeons don’t progress your character, you can full clear Naxx in sunwell gear.

Dungeons lead to end game they aren’t the end game.

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ive tried to have conversations in good faith about what yall need and how we can compromise so that everyone has a system that makes the game better. y’all dont wanna hear it.

My understanding is the new tool does not auto group, does not auto teleport and is realm locked. Unless I’m mistaken then the new tool leaves out everything I dislike about RDF.


It be silly not to use it. Dungeon spam would be the most efficient way to progress your character. Such a feature doesn’t need even more help being the de facto way of playing.

Boy do I miss messing with Zippy.

Exactly my thoughts.

funny story, noone will be using rdf atleast in phase 1 when it actually matters, if not the whole expac.

Who oh why would anyone want to take the long and winding path to progress?

This has no impact on your playstyle whatsoever yet you want to take that ability from others.


Then why do you care if RDF is in? It’s because you want to run dungeons. But why would you want to run dungeons if it doesn’t help progress your character ?

We saw Blizzard remove RDF from retail’s endgame and replace it into unplayable gatekeeping, now in WOTLK heroics will just be a new thing to GDKP.

I understand some of you want Bobby Kotick to not get any money from WOTLK so you’re sabotaging RDF while “concern-trolling” but the reason the forums are exclusively Pro-RDF is because it’s more inclusive and allows players to actually play the product they’ve invested in.

Remember, this loudest phase from Pro-RDF is our last chance at saving WOTLK from becoming another Retail. If we fail, there will only be silence, because no one can post without a sub.


People you on the no RDF side are the worst. You and I are both going to level with actual guildies and not be affected by this in the slightest, you’re just stringing along a bunch of useful idiots in your quest to sink the expansion because you don’t like it.

Like manure pointed out, its the low-intelligence pug casuals you’re misleading into thinking this will be good for them when in actual fact they’re the ones who are going to get gatekept the hardest by class/spec/gear.


You could just invite them to group, and click the queue up button and slide right on into the heroics and get busy, maybe chat it up in discord about how faceroll it is, etc.

Some people don’t have that luxury, and others love just smashing stuff with their guildies at the fastest speed possible.

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Not if you hate it so much that you’re railing against it, even though the Devs have decided they are already unwilling to put in the very expansion it was introduced in.