Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

They multiply fast, what can I say. There is SO many of them you know

We even have the heirloom flying lol at launch

oh i definitely will depending on the changes they make! ive said over and over again, if they implent rdf past phase 1 i wont be impacted much, it will however stop me from playing Cata if it launches with rdf

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I did say it wasn’t about social for me; it’s about playing an immersive game, and not an arcade one.


No the reason you listed about your immersion is not in the new tool what are you not getting?

Give him a few minutes, he wasnt expecting to have to come up with an explanation


Yet they cater to these kind of players instead of the actual fans. Solid business strategy.


I don’t think there are nearly as many as you’d think. I think it’s a very small group with multiple forum toons. I say that because I have yet to run into anyone in game that want things to stay as they are.

Nobody that has to wait an hour for a group is ever happy about it… except these anti forum goofballs.


Why can’t I have my opinion? Why be so agressive? You can be pro rdf, it’s ok. But I can be against it. It’s ok to both voice our opinion both hoping it is heard.


Remember he wants the immersive, non arcade pop up window that enables him to sign up for a dungeon and wait for the invite to it. Oh and he doesnt want RDF because reasons


It’s like these people are so brain dead…

Like I could see an argument if the new tool did exactly what they wanted but it’s in the complete opposite direction.

It’s literally I’m looking for people in this dungeon so I’m going to look for the meta classes and just click invite when I see them without talking…

It’s like they think they want some kind of victory by getting this new tool when it doesn’t even do what they wanted.


You can have an opinion but your opinion isn’t based on any facts…

It’s literally you just don’t like those three words.

The reason you don’t want rdf are still in the new tool you aren’t winning anything there is no change it’s just a worse tool.

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Ok, so the new tool will teleport me to the dungeon? The new tool will automatically form my group without me thinking about the composition? It will automatically group up people together and teleport them across the world? If this is right, then ok, you are right, i don’t like that tool either, as much as I don’t like RDF.


Do you ever use the mage portals? Warlock summons? Meeting stones? Hearthstone?


Says it all~

Just wants to gatekeep non meta classes


Are all pro RDF people so agressive and judgmental? I’m far from a pure meta player, i’m a super casual player. I don’t even know what is meta right now in TBC, and have no clue what will be meta in WOTLK.


Oh. So you’d benefit from RDF.


I agree! tysm

from your point of view i guess…

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Soz you lost the ability to play the sympathy card when you opened with “go back to retail”