Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

Meh. I don’t care what they do as long as I don’t have to use their craptastic slightly better than chat group finder tool. Waiting around spamming for a tank that isn’t coming is not my idea of fun.

Vanilla was fine for me personally…

Its just wild to me anyone who says retail is toxic compared to classic.

The amount of doxxing, insanely strong language, death threats, etc ive seen over the dumbest things in classic.

Bruh… it aint even close LOL

They had authentic Classic to suit their preference. They had TBCC to suit their preference. They continue to have Classic Era to suit their preference.

But that’s not enough. Gotta change Wrath too to suit their preference. And the people who loved Wrath can just get bent, apparently.

Vanilla and TBC lovers got what they wanted, but fans of the most popular expansion get the shaft. It’s so ridiculous.

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It used to be we’d make fun of the neckbeards who would be all “We used to do it like this”. Now if you say anything positive about retail they’ll pop out of the woodwork telling you what a sellout you are.

Makes no sense. They’re living in a past that never was.

Oh for sure. “Rdf is 100% why retail is the way it is!”

Why its what? Less toxic than classic? Yeah i agree lol

I don’t remember anyone not liking it when it came out. It was a very welcome addition. I will never understand why the anti’s think waiting around spamming macros is the way to play.

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I think this is where I take my main issue with arguments against RDF. What system, tool, or change hasn’t lead us to retail? At some point all of what we are playing as classic was retail. Where did the curve actually start and when did this start effecting the entire game? That’s where people should look, one system shouldn’t be the cause for where we ended up in modern WoW, but a bunch of small changes adding up. I certainly don’t know when it started but based on the graphs available(my trust level went down recently so i cant post the link, my own fault) shows any appreciable down trend started after cata launched but before LFR was released.
Cata is where i’d look for signs of the game going down hill. LFR was a bad idea even though I like it theoretically. Dungeons in a matchmaking system is fine for me, raiding shouldn’t be in a Q system in a game like WoW.

This has been a solid discourse, also is your name based on the teddy bear?

To me its when they changed Azeroth and put flying in the old world.

Everything else is peanuts compared to that.

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Mythics. They put a loot box in a lootbox and made us go meta to get ahead.

They did make changes to both vanilla and tbc… it’s not new for them to make changes.

Cata actually destroyed the game literally and figuratively and gave us a really boring replacement. on rails questing, badly tuned dungeons and raids, incredibly bad pvp and a molasses in January content release schedule.

Yep. I agree.

I blame RDF 0.0% and its laughable if you blame RDF for any of it.

As if our lovely groups now arent full of complete randoms LOL

Well you guys will most likely disagree but for me LFR was the final nail in the coffin of what was “classic” Wow a few years ago. I was and still am disgusted by it… but again, just me. Quick reminder that i’m no elitist super parser, i had never even fully cleared ulduar back in original WOTLK… that how not that good I was / am xD

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Good luck on Felmyst this week!

Prepatch values right around the corner. You got this :muscle:

You make some solid points.

I think this is completely subjective and base on personal experiences. For me, RDF stared the downhill trend. When it was released players behavior changed significantly and because of ease of use the player pool was negatively impacted. I realize this is antidotal but its my experience non the less.

I have recently revisited these graphs as well. (Conformation bias incoming :slight_smile: ) I believe the dip in Cata was due to RDF. For me RDF was a catch mechanic for Wrath and should have been disabled until phase 3 of Cata. Due to RDF the dungeons in Cata were nerfed and the drop was really close to this Blizz capitulation.

I agree, I have enjoyed it.

Yes it is. I know it dates me but I dig anyway.

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Why tho? The rewards are crap. You should outgrown any need to do them after a week or two of progression. They can safely be ignored. Why the loathing?

You arent wrong… LFR is garbage for sure.
It just takes a very small slice of the pie.

Hard to explain… raiding had something… mythical… something epic, that LFR comeplety ripped apart. I killed Deathwing the night the patch came out… nothing epic about it, felt 100% dumb and unrewarding. It was a terrible feeling. At least nowaday LFR is 100% useless… but still…

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Mostly because its the most toxic part of retail outside of rated BGs. It doesnt teach new players anything. Its an AFK fest with zero incentive to try or play better.

Its a catch all for the incredibly lazy.

And normal raiding IS SO EASY in retail… I mean come on. Its a JOKE. Just do normal!! Its so easy!!!

woooops tos! enjoy your vacay!

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