Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

They are mentally ill. Just ignore them and wish them the best moving forward!

Sorry for the double post, i don’t post often and probably suck at it lol. I wanted to add that I don’t believe removing RDF solves every issues. There are many other issues in my view that blizzard should address for this game to feel more “classic”. The boting, the boosting (not solved), the GDKPs, etc. Still hoping someone at blizzard will address these other issues.

May I suggest the classic era servers for a more classic spirit? Wrath was all about innovation and moving people through content vs keeping them standing at the door.

Not a bad suggestion, but been there done that. I’m hoping that the classic version of the game could continue to evolve, just in a different direction than retail did. I think this is what blizzard is trying to do, and I appreciate that. Hoping they continue.

Wrath keeping RDF would’ve kept the spirit of wrath classic, nobody is talking about adding RDF to classic.

This attitude has been in classic since it was released, the game is solved and that alone adds more to the gogogo mentality than RDF ever would. Also changes in player behavior added more to this than RDF did as this attitude was in all forms of the game prior to RDF’s inclusion.

Honest question… do you really feel like we have that in TBC? Like seriously?

Because uhhh i dont. Its 1/10000th what it was in classic. I play on faerlina with ya, there is zero immersion. I dont know how keeping RDF away from WOTLK will make it any better. Or is the point to not make it any worse? idk

I guess this is where we disagree. I’m ok with not having wrath classic, because as much as I loved wrath, wrath was the beginning of a much less immersive MMORPG. I’m fine with them trying a different route. It’s ok to disagree… in the end it is their game and they will make these call, everybody and voice their opinion and try to influence them, which is what i’m doing, trying to influence them into continuing on the route they took.

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Youre the rarity then. All of my friendships and immersion of the game is done outside the game. On Discord.

There just simply isnt enough to do in the game.

I respectfully disagree. I do feel immersed in this world. If you don’t, maybe you should try a different game?

I think you want a version of the game that never existed. Vanilla was vanilla, Burning crusade was Burning crusade and wrath was wrath.

We were happy to get Dual spec in wrath. We were happy to get RDF in wrath. Keeping the game “classic” isn’t going to happen. If you want the “Classic Spirit”, you really need to stay in the unchanging classic era.

Why though? There was plenty in classic. World pvp, AQ gates, Naxx world event. etc etc.

In TBC its 30,000 people screaming for layer hops to snatch towers on a 100% horde server and begging people to flip towers in Hellfire… There is no immersion lol. Like actually none. Its 30K people all mashed together from 20 different servers who all dont care about each other and just use each other for auction house, boosts, GDKPs, and recruitment…

100% agree. I want a version of this game that didnt existed. I’m 100% hoping they do not take the road that led them to retail AGAIN. I pray that doesnt happen.

I’ve been playing “retail” WoW since 2005. This whole idea that retail is some filthy toxic animal crap needs to stop. You’re romanticizing the wow 2009 like it was the be all end all version. Trust me, the game evolved because it had to. Vanilla sucked.

Retail is primarily the way it is because the game got far too difficult and far too old.

All the casual players grew up and had families and lives and replaced it with something easier that required less of a time investment.

All that remained was the try hards and mythic raiders. Game was tailored towards min maxing and metas, what you had to do just to beat the hardest content. Thats a big turn off for people who actually care about server health, socializing, etc etc.

To blame something like RDF for “killing classic” in my opinion is laughable at best. But w.e

What is stopping you from doing this regardless?

There it is. You literally just said that vanilla sucked, you and I are on 2 different planet, that is why our opinions are so different. We won’t agree :slight_smile: and that is fine.

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I agree with that 100%.

Retail is mostly not toxic at all. I run into FAR MORE toxicity in classic than retail.

You wanna see toxic? Go break some brackets back in classic during p2-p3. I dare ya. Youll wish you never installed the game.

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Yes I did. I played it but I don’t miss it one bit. And yes we disagree. I do not want to see Wrath turned into Vanilla.

Me neither, but I’m ok with them trying a different route.

I agree this is poor form and can elicit a response. I suppose I really only see the one side since its the pro RDF folks that respond aggressively to my posts. I would like to think that not all of us folks against RDF are lumped together so I’ll try to ensure I segregate the rational from irrational going forward.

I suspect one of reasons the decision to remove RDF was to slow player progression. As you say the progression curves have been drastically distorted this go around. I also believe they are wanting to increase dungeon difficulty which RDF would complicate.

We share this view and hopefully as the vitriol dies more people can begin discussing the topic instead of yelling at each other (both sides are guilty of this).

Wrath, for me, is the battle with the Lich King and RDF is an addition that leads to retail. We view this differently and that’s cool.