Support to no-RDF - Please don't add it

All these people who use the word immersive can’t even explain what it is or why they care about it so much.

I don’t think anyone who is pro rdf cares about that stuff.

It’s ending the infinite spam and wasting 30 mins trying to find a tank that you don’t have to pay 200g and all blues to for the run.

so how dungeons and some raids are done now, with no real expectation of a change to that behavior? Glad not having RDF fixed that and we all came together as a community hands across Azeroth type deal?
Sorry, RDF is a tool, they player bases attitudes are the issue with the community not RDF. RDF didn’t kill guilds, didn’t kill socialization (which if this forum is a litmus test of how people treat others then oh boy) only increased dungeon participation and was meant at launch to be included, Rob Pardo said so in an interview back for the original game release.

Its almost like we did this before with no RDF and it was just fine…

But then they added RDF and we realized how good things could be. Nobody goes to Disney Land because they enjoy standing in the lines.

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If it was fine people wouldn’t be complaining about it now. Had we never even gotten an RDF tool players eventually would’ve asked for one(speculation).

As it sits the tool was created for a purpose, base level that purpose it to facilitate grouping for dungeons. which it did well and was considered a successful and useful system for the game at the time.

Maybe what we have now isn’t fine and some of us just deal with what we have because well its what we have.

Thank you for your comment :slight_smile: I am not trolling, this is my actual opinion. It’s being not respected, people think I’m some elitist meta slave that will reject none 99 parsers, but I’m not. My main is a spriest (that is opposite of meta…). I just enjoy an immersive world, and to me, rdf goes against that spirit. My simple and humble opinion, and I hope that blizzard continue their efforts to sustain an immersive classic experience.

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Was it just fine?

You see those 30 dead servers they are consolidating? That’s literally because of no RDF. 100% why.

Yes they would. As to your speculation, my view is that you are probably correct for what thats worth.

At the time ICC just dropped and most players were raiding and using RDF on alts. If RDF is implemented at the beginning of the xpac it drastically changes things.

I just stated this earlier but discussing this topic with the rational pro RDF folks has me thinking if RDF was introduced with ICC I could stomach it. I hate to think that the whole expansion would be frustrating for some of the player base. Problem is it is hard to empathize with many of the pro RDF folks due to their attitudes lol.


10,000% this. The amount of toxicity most of these people spew is uncanny.


100% agree…it is really unfortunate


Yes, the guy named LFR, gdkp, and rdf who made 30 troll posts in 5 days about anti RDf and gdkps was surely not toxic…

Not one bit! It’s absolutely only one way!

So you agree that 30 servers died because of no RDF correct?

You’re happy with the 4 servers we are left with?

You’re happy that tanks charge 200g to play the game?

That non meta classes aren’t allowed to play the game?


How is it off topic?

They said only pro rdf players are toxic…I have examples where that is untrue.

“If you ever want to be insulted or talked down to, have an opinion against RDF being added”

provides examples
Nocht gets offended by examples

Nothing like throwing fire then saying you refuse to reply. What a great conversation!

With how some posters against the tool come in swinging some reactions are warranted. Too many vindictive players who claim community then act very uncivil towards people without provocation, Painting the attitudes of the RDF people are naturally swarthy and rude is disingenuous to why they act in that manner towards some. This does not absolve some of the pro RDF people of their actions but when the same cast of characters shows up to the same ad infinitum thread just to be insulting it wears on people.
LK classic had a reasonable expectation of containing the tool, up until the release announcement there was no reason to think it wouldn’t be around. People are understandably upset, having people dance on their unhappiness is going to get a reaction.

I’d argue that not having it changes the expansion more than having it at launch would have. I think any progression curve was gone already with how players consumed classic and TBC content, I see no reason why this would hold more true for LKC. RDF will have no effect on where the community exists currently, Guilds.

Mainly it boils down to our preferences and that’s entirely fine. Where people start coping attitudes is when attacks happen for zero reason besides wanting to be vindictive. You’re fine with the status quo as are others, some of us just deal with it while hoping at some point the issue we perceive will be helped by adding in a tool that LK was known for. existed for 48%~ of the original expansion and was more of a help than a burden.

You bring up good points. I think the big issue is, the same people who are cheering for no RDF are the same exact people who have been screaming no changes since day 1 and argue about every change they have made.

It just seems a little hypocritic to be cheering a major change from how the game was originally intended.

I would be completely OK if blizzard said “RDF will come with ICC as originally intended” but they straight up said its not going to be part of the entire expansion which makes no sense.

A lot of us just want to play the game we remember, its really annoying having to deal with what changes blizzard feels is right on any particular day.

the irony of “be more social” while those same posters advocate for their right to control their group composition is hilarious. Make a group and Q, bam your ability to control loot distribution and comp is safe and sound.

People act like not having RDF in LKC will bring about a shift in the game and community when it undeniably wont. We have no promises of a Cata classic, and nothing in LKC will effect retail. Player attitudes changed and became way more selfish and “me me me me” oriented to continue the current LFG system we have now. This stopped being a social game so long ago I’m not even sure it was one to begin with outside of guilds.

True. Not having RDF isn’t going to magically make everything perfect… I mean crap we dont have RDF now and server discords are LOADED with “ninja” and toxicity dungeon posts… Constantly.

Well again, people are assuming the anti-rdf people are #nochange purist. I’m not. I’m fine with changes! As long as they keep the “classic” spirit of the game. In my mind, the classic WoW experience should be different from retail. That was easy with Vanilla and with TBC, but it becomes more complex with WOTLK, because this is when we began seeing the “retail features” that led to where the retail game is today. RDF, dual spec, transmog, LFR, etc. WOTLK is an expansion i loved, but it is also where the immersive part of the game started leaving. Even more with Cataclysm, and onward. I simply hope they can provide classic player a different experience this time around, one that keep the “classic spirit”, the immersive world. I get it, some people are more in the GOGO speed running mentality, but i’m not, and it seems like many others are not.


I refuse to use any WoW discord but my guilds. Discord effectively ripped community interaction from the game itself and put it in a 3rd party chat program. wanna know why nobody talks in a group? they’re talking to guilds or their raiding buddies on discord.
When we had Ventrilo people still had to do their planning and communication in the actual game, now if you didn’t join the guild discord you become left out and it shouldn’t be that way.