Support this tweet/LFG Addons

Alright my man, go live in your delusional bubble of no addons or die.

Ned probably blew his raid up because his debuffs were out of view :rofl:

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Never said that. As I said to your “serious” raiding guild cohort, hyperbole is an admission of defeat.

Mhm, please continue. You obviously raided hardcore back in the day. I guess you know.

Won’t even tell us how far he got. Probably lie about it anyway

I do, actually. Carry on with your circle jerk of “I need every crutch to play my character.”

Losers resort to character assassinations. When all else fails insult lol. SMDH

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So the people claiming this addon will cause the sky to fall upon the game lost the debate long ago I guess!

Afraid not. We have living proof of where these add-ons end up: BfA.

How is tracking information and cleaning up the already terrible ui a Crutch? Like i would understand if you were talking about healbot or a addon like decursive, but the having a threat and dps meter’s help you gauge your gameplay. Having information become more easily tractable does nothing but help you improve. Please tell everyone how thats a crutch?

Lol so we shouldn’t have classic at all because it ends up at retail?

Nice logic.

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This is an immensely irrational statement. People that say this sort of thing don’t bother to analyze any particular individual aspect of the game and try to determine why people stopped playing it.

Hint: the vast majority of people who stopped playing retail didn’t stop because of the pre-made group finder. They stopped because of class design, infinite grinds, titanforging or various other things that have nothing at all to do with being able to actually find people to fill a pug with.

Also, comparing a LFG GUI confined to a single server vs. retail which is only limited by region is intellectually dishonest at best.

The willful ignorance is mind-boggling.

Well said.

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Nothing wrong with rearranging a UI. I rolled with a threat and dps meter. Usually had it hidden because I like a minimalist UI.

You can tell the forums are corrupt when they’re flagging posts that have to do with addons that blizz will break

Ok and how is that a crutch?

That’s not what I said at all. I want Classic. I don’t want BfA in a pseudo-vanilla skin.

They stopped because of a combination of those things. All of those things come from the mindset of those who are pushing them in Classic. What’s irrational is trying to change a project specifically designed for people who want to play vanilla, when you have a functioning modern version of the game that fulfills your wants and desires.

I didn’t say it was. It was your “hardcore” pal who went down the road of the one-button add-ons.

You act like addons are the one all be all that people want classic lol, it’s NOT people want the old classes, the old zones, etc, hell half of why I’m playing is to show interest so they make tbc and wrath servers

Really, you didn’t say that? Because everything he brought up was what i pointed out.