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What is inherently wrong with content creators?

there is a reason people are trying to get away from retail. stop dragging retail garbage into the real wow. it is not wanted here

people dont even bother to see what this addon actually does before foaming at the mouth

i would expect nothing less


Have you even played the lastest BFA patch? Classic could learn a thing or two. and i intend to bring that very thing to classic.


lol noā€” i would never play that frankenstein version of wow

You just described Classic WoW. Accept it and embrace it.


Classic will become everything Vanilla could not. It will be the best game ever made.

what does that even mean?

yeah if they donā€™t add retail garbage into it

I really hope Blizzard breaks this addon as it isnā€™t in the spirit of Classic. I thought at one point they said they would break any add ones like this.


It probably already has. I doubt there was this much complaining about Vanilla before itā€™s launch as Classic is getting lol :slight_smile:

If this add on is so important, they would have built it the first time around. Not to mention, it divides the community. If you arenā€™t using it, you donā€™t know about those groups. Blizzard needs to ban this before Classic launches.

wrong. see how it works before honking about it

I 100% agree groupfinder tool should just be client integrated. Addons are way more confusing for players.

Letā€™s keep things safe and simple.


Yes, and all this ā€œeasyā€ stuff led to retail. Hi thanks.

Vanilla wow was never hard. You want a hard MMO, check out Everquest 1999.


it wont see many downloads, i mean a lot of people really dont want to use it and some who do, know that it wont affect muchā€¦do with it what you will, i personally aint all that concerned about it

Good Lord, figure out what the add-on does before you bash it, you can use it to post in chat as well so that people without it can see it too


Because ā€œmaking things easierā€ is how we ended up with BFA.

Iā€™d rather spam chat for 10 hours than use this piece of crap. I hope blizzard sues the developer for ruining classic.