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Speaking of an opinion.

Subjective argument*

Having a trash attitude towards people who don’t agree with your opinion… isn’t going to win you any friends or arguments dude.

Saying you have no problem with this personally is a subjective opinion.

Explaining why many people have a problem and what exactly their gripes are was as objective as it can get.

Let’s not lose ourselves in personal attacks here and focus on the discussion.
I was entirely objective and constructive, especially on my last part, telling you how far your (valid) personal opinion (that you have no problem with this) goes on that matter and how it is both outweight and outnumbered by all the arguments regarding the arising issues that were mentioned.


is there anything for druids

I already have the Ghastly Charger. Now I won’t look cool anymore :frowning:

You won’t find many friends in posts like these.

You have to understand this mount in particular is rarer than some gladiator mounts.

People are thinking of the shiny new toy they’re going to be getting, not the consequences of giving things like said shiny toy away for free.


I am not subbing, gift subbing a F streamer for a gd pet. Just stop with the bs mounts, pets crap.


Red D drw/ e cdcdo is

don’t watch game streamers, thanks anyways.

Feels like the item that some people may already have (and paid a decent sum for) should be the one that requires paying for 2 subscriptions, and the one that is “Free” for watching 4 hours should be the NEW pet.

No one attacked you, stop while you’re behind on that whole thought process.

Well you just don’t know the difference between subjective and objective, no snarky comments needed at the end there… which I know you’re quite fond of.

Because there are no consequences others than a few people’s egos being bruised because what they paid for is being given away.

Yeah, you’re right I suppose, especially when so many people “argue” with a hostile, or at the very least, undiscerning and disregarding mindset.

One can only give arguments and bolster them with further explanations. Most people don’t seem to care enough though or are stuck in their view and can’t properly engage with given arguments. Or they just stick to and run with them, no matter how often you refute them.

And then there are those who don’t want to subject themselves to a proper argument and how it can change someones view when listening, when thinking critically - they want to force their view upon others and scream them down.

And that is perhaps even more disappointing than the whole issue that started this discussion.

what streamers play here

After quickly skimming this this thread I’ve come to the assumption that most people here think all streamers are just Asmon and Bell clones… please, I beg of you, there’s many more streamers out there, just watch them (or not, valid, just pointing out that if your only experience to streamers is those… my sympathies).

I’m too old to be on twitch. Feels like anyone over 35 is viewed as an ancient freak.

When I helped run a mBBS back in the day, I was considered ancient to the users then. Fast forward 30 years and I am definitely still ancient but so are all those users.

No thanks – You can keep the pets and mounts if I have to give any time, money or resources to a “streamer”.

I completely agree. This and the fact they are now locking rewards behind gifting subs to these degenerate content creators who are way overpaid and make 100 times what their average player makes in annual salary. We work our asses off to be able to afford to continue playing your game, and now you expect me to give my money away to some streamer for an in game reward to your game I have invested years into playing? What a spit in the face…do better blizzard…


then either give to a small streamer or not at all, they all dont make that much money,lol

More ads and fomo.

When you have more ads than you have engagement on your community forums you have an imbalance.

i don’t mind watching Sneaky for a few hours to get the horse, but gifting subs for a battle pet is stupid. I won’t be doing that part. At least I get a free horse.