Support a Streamer and Twitch Drops Now Live!

Be nice is the mount is flying but doubt it. pet will be nice, looks like Druid Sentiel form.

The Ghastly Charger does fly ā€¦it has since BfA went liveā€¦

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Iā€™m a grown woman who plays video games. Was there a point to the ā€œgrown menā€ comment? Or are you pointing out youā€™re not a grown man/woman?

And the streamers I watch donā€™t just sit there and play the game. Some are answering questions to help people with addons and show them different things. Others are there to show helpful ways to do things.

I also donā€™t just sit there and stare at them. Iā€™m either working around the house or playing the game while I listen to them.

Apparently this is a hard concept for you.


I donā€™t even arena. Just want to see players crumble with all the in game item give aways.

You are a grown woman who spends more time on the forums and apparently watching people play games than actually playing the game yourself it seems.

I have two monitors, honey. LOL And I play the game plenty, thanks. Was that supposed to be some form of insult? Your trolling isnā€™t very good. You need better material. :kissing_heart:

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Not an insult, but worth mentioning.

If I wanted to use my ā€œmaterialā€ Iā€™ll do it on Twitter where you can say what you want and maladjusted adults that canā€™t handle conflict cannot silence you.

I refuse to support a streamer. Iā€™m not some kid at a stranger things arcade hoping to watch someone play a game, which is why I find this whole thing insulting.

Blizzard should never pander to any streamers.

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LOL you didnā€™t even have a point to make. :rofl:

I have no idea what this means, but streamers arenā€™t just playing the game while people watch, somehow enthralled. Those I watch are actually helping people who ask questions and the streamer explains things and shows them stuff.

I once felt like streaming was stupid and pointless. Then I found some good ones who are actually helpful.

My point is that you talk about the game more than you play it, invalidating your opinion to me. You are the Skip Bayless of the forums.

If forums had signatures, I would say this would be yours.

And yet you know nothing about my gameplayā€¦ :thinking:

Mine used to be this! :smiley:


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Your FoS shows how little you play this game. At least from an end game point of view.

Like I said, you are the Skip Bayless on these forums.

LOL what? Honey, this is such a silly comment I donā€™t even have words. LOL

ā€œyOu DoNā€™t PlAy BeCaUsE fOs!!!ā€ Bahahahahaā€¦ :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thanks for the laughs today! That was hilarious!

Youā€™re right, you WQ and level and talk nonstop on the forums. Very valuable feedback. You are a forum poster main, like a handful here, and what you have to say is almost never worth what it costs to read it.

You donā€™t do arena, M+ or raid. Why do you spend so much time on the forums? Go play the game for a change.

No, the problem is that you have too many given your impotent experience.

They have subjective valueā€¦ and for most that is NONE, because the item is 1ā€™s and 0ā€™s at the end of the day and holds no REAL value unless you play the game and care about the item. The only people that value it are the people who have itā€¦ youā€™ll get over it, blizzard is doing a nice thing by giving it to players who donā€™t have it.

I donā€™t care if these items are established, only people that are getting in their feelings are the people who already have one an FAKE streamers like Xaryu.

The game is in the state it is because streamers give priority feedback. Not supporting a streamer in any way.


Iā€™m really tired of people falling into the fallacy of thinking virtual items can not have value and then just run with this argument. They can have value attached to them, just as much as your shiny nike shoe collectible for example. And before youā€™re trying to argue: No, there is not much of a difference: Technically one is a real physical itemā€¦ EFFECTIVELY though, what really matters, both are heavily subjected to artificial scarcity, so people see value in both for their rarity and collect them.
By hunting and collecting, by spending time and gold, people have added a lot more value to thise items - a fact that might be of just as much significance.

I do not have it and I value it just the same.

It would be great if people could start listening more to critical feedback given by their fellow players and reflect on that, instead of screaming it down, especially when the only opinion they themselves have put forward is ā€œI likeā€. That in itself might be a valid opinion, but that cannot disregard all the problems that come with this exact decision.
This is why nobody is arguing that giving free stuff to players is bad. Saying they did would be a strawman.
People argue that this decision forces a lot of unnecessary and easily avoidable issues and is heavily outweight by alternatives.

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You can be as tired of it as you want of it, my opinion hasnā€™t changed and you nor anyone else has provided anything that would change my mindā€¦ you find it has value and I donā€™t, Iā€™ll never argue with blizzard for giving away a legacy mount that was in a PURCHASABLE TCG gameā€¦ or any other purchased mount, so if they decide to give away the Brutosaur AH mount, I would pat them on the back and tell them, ā€œgood job and thank you!ā€

What exactly is endgame; Mythic Dungeons or Raiding, PvP, World Content? Just because a person doesnā€™t have a lot of Feat of Strengths doesnā€™t mean they are not doing content. I donā€™t do Mythic Dungeons or Raids or PvP anymore, but I do a lot of World content. I level lots of classes in different specializations so I can learn to be a better player.

Youā€™re measuring a person by an achievement for something they may not do because thatā€™s your thing. Just stop the bickering, this conversation was about supporting streamers with twitch drops, not about what a person that plays the game and contributes to conversations some being helpful.

After reading the next couple posts I can see nothing I say will resolve the bickering going back and forth and are detracting from the original conversation of the post.

Well, okay then. Youā€™re free to have your own opinion. Youā€™re free to like this decision and leave it at that. You donā€™t have to reflect and think critically about this as a whole.

But ignoring all the objective arguments that have been given is foolish, at the very best (if you desire to engage in meaningful progressing discussion that is, apart from simply stating you like something).
It evidently has value - if you donā€™t share that sentiment, if you donā€™t find those elaborated upon aspects valuable and maybe only like its visuals, sure, continue so. That is fine.

You, personally, are free to be entirely undiscerning.

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