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Same more then likely I got it during WoD…I got the Magic Rooster Egg and Spectral Tiger mount during WoD as you said blizzard was printing gold out though our Garrisons LOL…I have the blue rocket think I got that during Cata for a really low price too…

Just about everyone I know that watches these streamers for rewards like this do that …put the stream on mute and go about their business in game or not…not many watch the streams…I will check mine every so often make sure its ticking down correctly but that’s it for me.

But… that’s just the way it goes.
People spend their money on good quality, tangible things, people spend their money on things that - while tangible - have intangible value associated to them via brand name. The bag is made in china and worth just as much as all the other unbranded bags leaving the very same factory, only elevated by what people value in the brand name.

The same goes for virtual items and blizzard knows this. Those making this decision know exactly how much value people see in and have added to them. And they’re using this to make the twitch engagement metrics as big as possible.
The later might not be inherently bad, but, again, could’ve been accomplished a whole lot better and respectfully with a recolour or a brand new, modern and high-res mount.

Why not create a remake of the same mount. You could easily give that away for free as promotion and not single problem would arise from that. And to commemorate that, you could work on making the OG available again to players - in a balanced and meaningful way, that does not destroy aspects of its value and giving hunter-collectors a satisfying way to actually earn it.
This could easily be accomplished. The only thing standing in its way is blizzard’s unwillingness to do so. Probably because they’re busy min-maxing costs to a degree that those considerations just become collateral to the grand financial scheme of things.

People will spend their time and money on things they like, things they see value in, however irrational that might seem at times.
And in turn, they add value to the very same that can grow far beyond what it started as.

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Exactly so when Blizzard does this:

You have zero reason to complain.

I have a whole lot reason to argue.

We might move in the frame of blizzards game, but we are the ones adding most of the value to it, so we can, at the very least, expect a little more consideration and respect.

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I’m all for things to be returned to the game, i had just hoped that wherever possible they came back in a way that allowed people to earn them in a similar way, like a formerly removed gold sink mount should come back as a gold sink mount (adjusted for inflation), a reward for an old solo challenge should come back as a reward for a new solo challenge or perhaps a scaled up version of the old challenge (you get the point).

I just have no love for the whole Twitch situation, we’re basically being sold off, we the players are the commodity in the transaction between Blizzard and Twitch, we go for the carrot and sign up to Twitch, sign away our info/data and participate in temporarily inflating their viewership data. Make no mistake, it has very little to do with wanting to give us a long lost reward for being good customers lol

I’ll always be on the side of things coming back to the game, i just want to see it happen in gameplay positive ways, not in ways where we’re being used as a commodity.

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That argument is to shut up and just eat up whatever rotten leftovers blizzard decides to reward you with for spending your time engaging with and playing the game, making it a good place worth your and everybody else’s time.

That is beyond grim and desperate, and if I were to find that perspective on myself, I’d go and seek mental help.

Maybe best to just stay on topic and avoid personal attacks :worried:



So, not getting your underwear in a twist over digital items means you need to seek mental help?

Dude, if anyone needs to seek mental help, it’s someone that can’t let this go.

I understand complaining and maybe I didn’t word my last reply in the best way. Right now I’m supporting threads demanding the Valajar Greatsword be returned to it’s original state because Blizzard pulled a classic bait-and-switch on people that spent their tender to get a huge sword, not a toothpick.

I meant two things when I said there is zero reason to complain: 1.) this isn’t the first mount they gave away and it won’t be the last. They obviously decided this is how they’re going to reintroduce them and that’s not going to change. They’re not going to rip these mounts out of people’s collections because a minority bought them “the old way.” 2.) third parties set the value of this mount, not Blizzard, so they owe us zero compensation.

These aren’t skilled based mounts. Nobody had to down a heroic boss, or clear a 15 key, or reach gladiator. Originally you only had to swipe your card and Blizzard doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to protecting stuff you swiped your card for (example: Tyrael’s Charger.)

That’s not a personal attack.
I was not literally saying that he is mentally ill and should see a doctor.
If I were to expierence such a desperate and hopeless view myself, then I would come to the conclusion that posting those views to discussion, while not adding anything constructively, was not the right call.

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It was out of line.

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I keep arguing because I love the game and I want it to be a better game. And at the very least, I’d also like to come to a conclusion that goes beyond your “they won’t change, it’s hopeless, just give up and shut up”.

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I think at this stage, all we can hope is that there’s some truth to what Ion said, i don’t know exactly what he said but I’m pretty sure he said something about some TCG mounts being off limits. I’m personally just crossing my fingers and hoping they leave my rooster alone lol

If I remember right its the Spectral Tiger mounts…that he hinted won’t be released like with twitch or amazon when we had that going …and that is over with too…no more mounts or goodies from Amazon now.

Damn, i have them both but don’t really care about them that much. I loved the Spectral’s back in the day when spectral was super rare, but decades of Blizzard making spectral versions of things definitely watered down the wow factor for them.

I have the purple ver of the Spectral Tiger couldn’t see wasting a bunch of gold just for a tiger that they only thing that was different was armor on the feet…blue one doesn’t have it but the purple one does…

He said the Spectral Tiger would be a surprise to see as promotion, because (quote) “a lot of people have invested a lot of time” to get their exemplar.

This quote shows at least two things:

How arbitrarily they draw the line apparently, because this very argument goes for EVERY TCG item, just varying in order of magnitude.

How they know those items (or at least the spectral tiger from their view) hold special value that goes far beyond just something you got for “swipingyourcreditcard!!!”

They also acknowledge people have added time → value and thus elevated, transformed them.

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I got the non epic blue version for 140k back in the day and used it on my rogue alt long before mounts were account wide, i think the blue one looks a little better, but as i said, so many years of Blizzard releasing spectral versions of things has taken the shine away for me.

I used mine a bit …but my long time Favorite ground mount is my Magic Rooster Egg mounts…as for flying its my Love Rocket…I use my Magic Rooster Egg mount daily while like in the city and that…

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then… don’t do it? seems like a very, very simple problem to solve :slight_smile:

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