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It has value to them and that’s great… not to me, you’re missing the point altogether. I don’t value it, I don’t value virtual mounts in this game and them valuing it, doesn’t change that… I don’t know what not getting through to you. Where is the hang up?

Well, if you don’t value it, you’re totally wrong arguing here beyond that most minor of basic points.

You personally don’t care? That’s okay, actually, you don’t have to.

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Elaborate? I have just as valid an opinion as you on the topic. Why am I wrong? I’m on the side that is happy about this, it’s a FREE mount.

TRUE, I don’t because value is subjective on this topic.

This is barely worth the effort of having a muted tab running twitch in the background while I play WoW. Imagine spending real money on this lol.

Because before, your words were saying that virtual items have no real value at all, which is plain wrong.

You are not wrong in your opinion. You can like free stuff. That’s not a problem. Issues arise once you chose to give away long established items with history and lots of value added to them over the years by people not only for free, but in a manner that will entirely disgrace them when a recolour or a better, newer mount that is not an old mesh nightmare had also been more than sufficient. It is also horribly disconnected from the game itself.
There is not a single argument to be made in favor of it, besides creating the biggest wave, because blizzard knows exactly how people value and desire such mounts. And either out of spite or because this decision was made by suits that first and foremost care about outside engagement metrics (money), they open this can of worms, sacrificing all of that for a cheap, fleeting sugar rush.

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Sorry not sorry but this made me lol… literally.

You don’t happen to care elaborating on that, beyond just pointlessly agonizing and belittling me for your amusement, eh?

I’ll elaborate. Let’s start with the definition of “disgrace.” Means the loss of your reputation and/or honor. How does giving a digital mount away for free cause someone to be dishonored or lessen their reputation?

And if you don’t want to be “belittled,” then think about what you’re saying and just don’t use words wherever you want to. It makes you sound ridiculous.

So yeah, I seriously laughed out loud at the thought of saying “My honor… it is gone… because Joebob got his spectral tiger… clutch peals and whispers … from Twitch.”

Then things didnt work out exactly how you wanted them to. Welcome to life

Most are just gonna put the stream on mute and have it run in the background… I’d argue this doesn’t even help streamers all that much, its artificial inflation of viewers who won’t engage in the least.

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Damn, you’re condesending to the point it’s painful. Maybe you should go talk to people who only like to talk 100% technically correct and in dictionary definitions and don’t use hyperbole or the likes.

Because for this matter, yes, it is perfectly fine to describe the mounts themselves as devalued, disgraced etc., because no one, literally NOT a single person, is thinking what you have just described.

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Dude, I don’t talk 100% technically correct but gawd damn, I at least make an attempt to not sound ridiculous and don’t say something like “giving away a digital mount causes people to lose their honor.”


It is not ridiculous, because, as I explained, no one will think of it the way you described.

More importantly though, I was talking entirely about the mount itself.
Nobody will have their personal honor attacked, I never implied that, not even remotely.
And I have no idea how you got to that point.

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Twitch is good and all, but

Can I post on the forums for four hours? Support my favorite poster? Type 400 posts?

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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The digital computer mount will have no honor or reputation?

LOL that doesn’t make it better but whatevs. This is all that matters when it comes to these mounts:

You wan’t to keep being pointlessly literal? Okay, have fun. I won’t waste my time on that.

Technically, yeah, but only in the sense that blizzard can decide for their property whatever they want and ONLY when you accept that it is okay for them to do so while it causes a lot of dismay to a lot of people - entirely unnecessary and easily avoidable that is.

So exactly what they have been doing since 24 Nov 2004? Sure, I’ll accept that.

It’s also entirely unnecessary and easily avoidable to not spend your hard earned cash and/or digital cash on something 100% worthless.

Battle Pets in the Blizzard store cost $10 real dollars to buy…buying the Subs on Twitch cost $5.99 x 2 = $11.98…so its $1.98 more then the Blizzard store price…as for Trading post Pets usually run about 300 or 400 tenders…so buying though twitch can save some of your tenders for other things.

I brought this mount years back for 15K in gold though the AH…

I don’t remember how I got this mount. I bought them all in two batches.

I bought some packs waaaaaay back in the day and got several mounts. I still have the cards some where in my house. I think this was one plus the bear, raptor, shorestrider and camel.

But I bought the rest in WoD when WoW was printing gold so I might have got it then.

I honestly don’t remember.