Support a Streamer and Twitch Drops Now Live!

Where was that said?

And how does giving these old mounts, pets, tabard and toys destroy them? This makes no sense and “it just will” is not an answer.

I think the funniest part about the “But muh exclusivity!” people.

Prove you bought a pack of cards when they were current and got the loot card inside. I’ll wait.

I can guarantee you almost every single person screaming this did not get the card from buying a pack from a store and opening it.

You bought it from the AH or you bought it from a scalping site.

So, do you only care about exclusivity when it’s your stuff? Cause how did you buying it from the AH/Scalper not take away the exclusivity of people who got it through the intended method?


For once we agree on something.

That’s great that you enjoy watching grown men play video games. Some people would rather play than watch others play.

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Battle cry of the failed arena player.

Then do that, I don’t see the problem.

Or are you one of those people that think you can’t minimize Twitch? :rofl: :rofl:

No, I don’t care about any of these rewards. I don’t like tying them to watching others play games. How hard is that to understand?

It’s hard to understand because you don’t have to actually watch them.

Then why even tie it to them in the first place?

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You can run it while you sleep! Many of the streamers put forth dead air overnight to allow folks to accrue it on off hours.

Also, for anyone wanting to alt+tab, make sure that browser tab with the stream is up and on top behind the game.

Because it gives the streamers ad revenue even if you aren’t watching them because the ads still get played. It supports the streamers that are playing their game, and rewards you for supporting the streamers even if you aren’t actively watching them.

It’s literally a win/win for everyone.


Why should I care about streamers revenue?

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Why should Blizzard care about giving you free things?

Because normal, unselfish people, care about those other than themselves.


I don’t want free things. But I do understand that free things and begging for them are a cottage industry in General Discussion. Usually by people with hidden profiles.

No. I don’t think I will.

Nice. I do love a good free mount :wink: . I’ll just throw one of the streamers into a tab and mute it.

This makes no sense. You can’t hide your Armory.

Or are you saying their posting history would prove… something?

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Exactly how is this relevant? People either paid real money or saved gold for it, or found it in a pack. So what? How does this justify giving it away for the least effort imaginable?

How it was obtained is completely irrelevant. The utter lack of compensation towards people who likely spent hundreds of dollars, or millions of gold on a mount that is now functionally worthless is unacceptable.

You won’t find any other company in this industry that would just present their middle finger to consumers in such a way.

The only reason it’s not an actual problem is that a mere 0.2% of players have the mount at all, according to data for azeroth. It’s rarer than some glad mounts.

Exclusivity is irrelevant in this instance, though, it’s about the disrespect being shown to the time I put in to saving gold to obtain it, and likewise about the sheer laziness of using it in a twitch promo. Make a new mount for twitch, or if it’s simply about adding it into circulation again, put it on the BMAH.

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Then how it was obtained is completely irrelevant, and that includes from Twitch.

Can’t have it both ways.

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Original means of obtaining something vs the current “new” means.

You absolutely can have it both ways. Stop making false equivocations between the two.