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Not when they could be selled on AH, like those TCG mounts can.

You can buy your rushes for AoTC.

This is irrelevant.

You can’t just go to the store and swipe for an AOTC mount. Whether you buy a carry or you’re part of a guild/group, you need about 20 competent people that know the fight.

So in that regard, it’s still a skill based mount.

LMAO, you must be trolling at this point if you don’t see the issue. You probably buy rushes or sell then.

Interesting how people can made some mental gymnastics to defend an flawed PoV.

It isn’t OK to drop those TCGs, there’s no good argument to defend this. It’s as stupid as saying that Wizards of the Coast has no control about what price their cards go on the second market and so they should just release to everyone every rare card or whatever just because scalpers exist.

And that’s the whole point, their just rare cosmetics, just let then be this way. If we’ll gonna open exceptions for this, then let every removed /stupid rare mount on this game be available to everyone.

What Blizzard should’ve done is just recolor then and launch as new mounts. That’s not so hard isn’t?

Did Wizards of the Coast stop printing cards in 2013 like TCG did?

Also, did WotC offer mounts in WoW?

These are very important questions to be answered before comparing the two because if the answer is “no” to both then it’s your comparison that’s really stupid.

Yes. Not every card is re-released. That’s the whole point of a TCG isn’t? You can’t be this ignorant.

… I honestly don’t know what’s the point of this question.

More stupid then your whole crusade to defend Bliz here in an obvious marketing decision for the sake of the integrity of the game?

Basically. To people claiming “they’re just gold mounts” why not just throw all the BMAH auctions on twitch as well?

Why is it fine to draw an arbitrary line with TCG mounts? Throw the Brutosaur on twitch, it costs less gold than a TCG today after all. Put the Plagued Proto-Drake up as well. Since gold mounts don’t matter, according to these people.

All this does is delegitimize the in-game economy. Why buy or do anything anymore when there’s a non-zero chance Blizzard decides to trivialize your work for the sake of short-term engagement metrics on a streaming site?

Reminder that after they did this the first go-around they claimed they were going to try to find other means of doing it in the future that were less basic. So much for that.

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Thank you for understanding my point! I don’t know why basic reasoning is so hard on this forum sometimes.

That’s me I admit it. But everyone else seems to be all “eww low res” and with the Magic Rooster, I can honestly understand it. I like it, but it’s baaaad. Like, really bad.

The chicken battle pet was just as low res, if not even worse, but it was never bad and I’m not sure why they gave it such an ugly update.

What I want to know is why is Blizzard okay with excluding people who already have the mount from these twitch events?

Where is my reward as an owner of this mount? I shouldn’t simply be left out to get nothing.


You’re right.

Put them in the blizzrd store for the $5.99 a card pack used to cost.

Great idea! Thanks!

They never had value. The only value they have is because scalpers exist, and trying to say they should remain that way is saying you believe scalpers are good, and they are objectively not. Period. End of story.


Pretty much. As they did with the last drops. A great middle finger to us, can’t even get the reins itself to sell.

enjoy the owl

I don’t know why people keep throwing those non-arguments around that are easily refuted, but I am not getting tired of clearing it up over and over again:

No, nobody is advocating for TCG items to stay FOMO (not even those who seem to really do, for what they inherently want is just not seeing aspects of their value destroyed). FOMO is objectively bad.

Yes, they absolutely hold value - value that has increased exponentially over the years by people hunting and trading them, by people investing countless hours and gold earning them.
Value that has transformed them into something much bigger than the mere loot they started as.

Scalpers are just a symptom, a byproduct of these TCG items being valued by people.
Take them out of the picture and nothing changes.

People should absolutely be enabled to earn TCG items again. But a much, much better way would be to tie them to ingame activities that add some sort of meaning. Gravitas.

You can not have them demoted to a mere twitch drop and still give them to players, it’s not just black and white. It never is. Unless some people who don’t care and don’t want to invest some effort make it so.

i usually keep a few streams going while i work. i pop in to chat a bit as time permits. it’s more like sitting at a sports bar than staring at a television. and i also play with the streamers sometimes.

another problem is that the term “streamer” gets used often to include people who just talk about the game, some of whom don’t actually play it at all. those aren’t the only streamers out there :slight_smile:

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you literally already have the reward. what a bizarre complaint!

I deleted most of what I typed because I’m tired of arguing for the day but I’ll leave this:

Blizzard told us along time ago that TCG items would make their way back into the game. They have been slowly reintroducing them since MoP. Couple of the mounts, all the tabards and some toys have been on the BMAH since the beginning. They put the turtle mount in the garrison pond for you to fish up.

Should read the writing on the wall, buddy.

The text on the wall was “somewhat balanced and earnable via ingame means”, not “better stop any effort right there and now, because we will utterly destroy these things”.
Effectively unavailable items returning is not the problem. How they are is.


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Yes, you are. Hope that helps!

Onto ignore you go!

Give us glad mounts. I want to see more players pissed off.

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I have tried that, but I do not get credit for time watched if the window is minimized or behind another window. I learned that the hard way when 2 promos ago I got twitch on a channel… muted the volume on it and left it run for 2 hours while I did other things… came back and I got ZERO time credited. So, I left the twitch window open and going for 30 mins… came back to the laptop and I had 30 mins time credited towards the pet… So, somehow for me, it knows… so now when I run it to earn a pet or mount, I have one browser window open and take sup half the screen another browser window open takes up the other half so I can still do things while twitch runs, and I do NOT lose out on time credited towards it .