Support a Streamer and Twitch Drops Now Live!

Tovi, we have been through this before… i can’t speak for that spicy poster, but out of all of the people i engaged with in the mount collecting community back in the day, the vast majority of them purchased their mounts from the AH with gold they earned in game.

If you’re happy to be getting free stuff, that’s great and I’m happy for you, but you don’t need to try and undermine the legitimacy of the original owners in order to feel more justified about being happy, just be happy about it.

It’s just so silly to keep trying to push the narrative that TCG owners probably just spent a bunch of real life cash on them back in the day so their options don’t matter or somehow have less value. I purchased all of mine from the AH, it took me years of saving my gold and scanning the AH daily hoping that my missing ones would pop up, i even left my server a couple of times to get super rare ones.

you have to buy to subscriptions to get the rewards.

only the pet dont have to for the mount

Event Duration

From August 26, 3:00 p.m. PDT, until September 26, 10:00 a.m. PDT

  1. Log in to your Twitch account (if necessary, first create a Twitch account for free at
  2. Visit any Twitch channel streaming World of Warcraft.
  3. While the channel is live streaming World of Warcraft, purchase a cumulative of two (2) subscriptions of any tier to earn the reward.

Start Time: August 26, 3:00 p.m. PDT (18:00 BST)
End Time: September 19, 10:00 a.m. PDT (18:00 BST)

Watch 4 hours of World of Warcraft content while these Twitch Drops are active on any channel to earn the Ghastly Charger mount.

Huh actually we haven’t. I have no idea who you’re mixing me up with.

I have all the mounts and I had them years before they started giving them away on Twitch and Amazon, just like you, so again I have no idea what conversation you think you had with me.

I was talking about that one guy specifically because he was being extra.

Edit: And to clarify, I have no problem with them giving these mounts away. Matter of fact, I think it’s hilarious and I hope the spectral tigers are next. What I have a problem with is they never give people that have had all this stuff for years anything new. Well, I shouldn’t say “never’ because I think there has been a few unique pets in there. Anyways, it feels like I never get to participate in these promotions. The fact they’re giving away an old mount and a new pet this time means they’re (hopefully) listening.

We didn’t have a whole conversation about this a while back? I honestly don’t care enough to go digging through my post history to find it, but either way, what i said still stands… and as someone who already owns the mounts, you should know that the original owners aren’t all credit card swiping whales.

I think it’s a crappy thing to say, if people have a position on the current topic, we shouldn’t be trying to undermine the validity of their concerns by suggesting that they probably spent real money on the mount.

Edit: Perhaps it was just someone with a similar profile picture to you… but yeah we had this entire conversation about how collecting TCG’s were back in the day, he seemed to come away from the conversation with a better understanding of the situation, which was why i was so surprised to see “you” back to the comments about someone spending money lol

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I am one of those people. I’ve had all the TCG mounts since WoD so no we haven’t had this conversation.

The guy Kitt quoted said Blizzard needed to shove something up their rear for bringing these mounts back. So if anyone is being “crappy” I would say it’s him.

You’re a credit card swiping whale?

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Yeah sorry I’m done trying to assist you in reading comprehension.

No worries, enjoy your shopping :slightly_smiling_face:

What shopping…?

Nm it doesn’t matter. Can’t get someone to read while their head is buried in the sand.

I actually went back and found some of the conversation, it’s now one of those anon73625735 type accounts and obviously not you, i do sincerely apologize. I very rarely have any type of run-ins with people on the forums so it left a bad taste in my mouth lol

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It’s fine, don’t worry about it.

because streamers advertising the game as free!!
we call this “symbiotic relationship” like Crocodile and Egyptian Plover.

I never spend a single cent buying TCG mounts or buying tokens, always grinded my gold ingame.

May I quote here exactly what I’ve said so you don’t get confused about my spiciness.

But you clearly didn’t even read my post, quite typical for people like you I guess. As I said, I like a fair game, that’s the whole reason why I play games. Cosmetics has as much value as achievements, progression, gear and so on. If not, what’s the point in playing the game after all? Just give everything to us so we don’t need to play the game to start with. Everyone is a champion.

Thank you for your kind words! Those are much more rare and appreciated then those mounts are for me. Despite of the thousands of hours I wasted grinding gold for then.

I’m not confused but it’s a silly argument.


That’s an interesting opinion to have about a cosmetic that scalpers and dupers were taking advantage of.

So you are ok paying $10 to Blizzard on the store but not $9.98 to a streamer?

Can you explain why please?

This is an even “sillier” argument.

As interesting as buying rushes on /4? How “prestigious” are people doing that? But suddenly, only people who have TCG mounts are “whales”. If the supposedly “dupes” was as common as some people seems to think, those mounts would be much easier to get anyway, but they aren’t.

You need to do a lot of mental gymnastics to make an “moral statement” about this whole thing. If it’s ok to make these drops for TCG mounts, then it’s ok to do for AoTC mounts or any removed mounts, gladiator mounts, mythic drops and so on. Why should they be spared? For some reason, people here made an collective decision that’s OK to give this mounts for absolutely zero effort and to make fun for those who actually put any work in collecting then.

This whole thing is just Bliz raising metrics at the cost of integrity and if the community is ok with that, then people here should stop pretending that the “evil Bliz” is the problem. This is just tall poppy syndrome as it’s finest.

People on this topic arguee of how it sucks to watch Twitch on 4 hours on a mute window but they’ll do anyway. And then they’ll continue to spam this forums about how the game sucks and everything in this game lost it’s soul. No wonder why huh?

How so?

You’re saying that a cosmetic that scalpers on eBay were using to get hundreds or thousands of dollars from people somehow is a good thing? Or a mount that people were duping in MoP is valuable?

The price of the TCG mounts were always set by outside forces beyond Blizzard’s control until they took that control back. Giving these items away is good for the community, not the other way around. The only sources for these mounts should not be eBay or paying millions of gold to someone that may or may not scam you.

I already explained, guess you didn’t read, again.

I read it but you’re still not making sense.

Like how you’re trying to equate a mount you can get from eBay or a Twitch drop to an AOTC mount.

Comparing these two is being dishonest because they have two very different sources.