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They want the Wow streams to be the top streams when the release comes out. We get a mount in exchange for bumping up the view count.

Behold, the third eye! They take something people desire for how rare and therefore valued it is and dump it on twitch streams to artificially drive up metrics.
Of course people will eat it up, entirely uncritical. I mean it’s a rare mount, you can’t sleep on that one! Reflecting on that it will become worthless in that aspect, making a mockery out of why people desired it to begin with, will be entirely lost in the process.


I’m still going to get the mount. It’s pretty cool looking and only costs me the inconvenience of logging into Twitch for a few hours. I might even watch the stream.

Basically. The Ghastly Charger is objectively an ugly mount. It’s a model probably made in 2003 when the game was in alpha covered in spectral particles. I say that as someone who owns it (and wishes they now didn’t).

The entire appeal is the rarity. Take that away and it’s garbage. People talk like they’re excited to get it, but the reality is it’s just going to become another Bronze Drake. They won’t use it because everyone has it, same as all those AOTC mounts.

There won’t be many people criticizing them for this, and the ones who do will be reported, mocked, downvoted, and the like for “caring too much about pixels” by people who also care about pixels.


Ok, but why?
Lemme just buy the bird from the shop.

Come on blizz, use your head for something other than how to steal breast milk from the work fridge.

There is less than 100 streamers on the entirety (not just WoW) of Twitch that make more than $1,000,000 a year.

On top of that, the Twitch Drop, like every Twitch drop, has no requirements other than the person streaming has drops enabled, which literally anyone can do.

Even for the “Gift a Sub” pet, Twitch Affliates are also eligible, and the only requirements for that is like 50 Subs and 3 active viewers in a month.

If you’re watching or donating to a “Million Dollar Streamer” - you are the one making that decision. I purposely look for lesser viewed people that are eligible.

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I imagine a lot of people are like me.

We didn’t even know it existed. When a mount is so rare someone like me who has played this game for 20 years, has never seen it, nor knew of its existence, then it’s probably too rare. Especially if it’s a mount from trading cards.

I genuinely thought the mount was a new mount made for the Twitch Drop until WoWhead’s article.

If you need something to be rare to consider using it, that’s a you problem.

Other people should not have to miss out so you can feel special.


That was never the argument, but that there are so many better ways to re-introduce TCG mounts that also don’t utterly destroy their value. Ways that keep players engaged long-term.

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Exactly, as someone who owned all of the TCG mounts and pets prior to these silly giveaways, it bugs me that they didn’t find a better, more gameplay positive way to reintroduce the items.

It isn’t about trying to keep them away from others, i have been a long time advocate for their return, i just hoped that it would be in a more meaningful way than Blizzard doing a deal with another company to sell our personal information/data. I get that Blizzard wants to extract more and more money from the subscriber base without actually raising the sub price, but did they really need to monetize us as people?

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I’m glad we get a pet this time. Maybe they finally listened to people that already have all or the majority of the TCG crap.

I have the mount already but i don’t think i’ll be getting the pet, i honestly didn’t look at it yet, is it a new pet entirely or something they’re pulling from another aspect of the game?

I believe it’s a unique model and skin. At the very least, a brand new skin.

Oh ok, i looked up the wowhead link and it says it’s a Trading Post pet :woman_shrugging:

It’s never been on the TP.

Yeah, idk. It’s just what wowhead says :woman_shrugging:

You do know that the whole mount and pet thing on Twitch is by choice.

You don’t have to do any of it unless you really want the items.

The downtime was finalizing things for TWW.

It’s just a new promo between the game and Twitch, again optional not required.

Wowhead says it’s also unavailable. It was datamined months ago and they assumed it was a TP pet.

Yowza, this post got spicy.


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He’s spicy because he probably spent hundreds of dollars on some pixels.


Im more shocked people are even worried about a pokemon/owl pet
it will prop end up on the blizzard store down the road or the trading post and those who paid for a twitch sub will wish they didnt
and the mount one is free just got to watch
but like many said load a random person mute it minimize it=reward.