Sunreavers in 8.2

Because Jaina and Anduin asked and Blizzard is very awkwardly trying to set up the Alliance focusing on Sylvanas herself rather than the Horde as a whole.


Oh. I don’t even have a reaction to that. Jaina and Anduin like Baine, they ask me to rescue him, so I do.


Tyrande doesn’t have a friendship with Baine unlike Jaina and Anduin so she likely won’t be as willing to let things slide. Shandris interestingly enough shows at least a willingness to work with the Horde against Azshara herself and since she was put in the Nazjatar Patch instead of Tyrande it says a lot about how Tyrande would react to the notion of working with the Horde to fight Azshara…

Alleria would be revolted at the very notion of befriending an Orc regardless of matters concerning Baine… Umbric it seems is more willing to ally with Horde characters…

Shaw sees the Horde members allying with the Alliance as Anduin’s pets.

Genn Greymane seems amicable with Lorthemar and it seems the notion of Saurfang’s rebellion succeeding due Azshara’s defeat buying Saurfang time is what made him agree to help the Alliance focus on Azshara.

Yes like many others I to agree with someone going on a rampage and killing/arresting political opposition without trial or investigation, and then completely forgetting about my sociopathic tendencies for a few expansions.


I have lost all hope that Blizzard will let this stupid storyline die after Sylvanas is gone. They’ll kill or corrupt the next Warchief if they don’t think they’re the kind of character that would kill the Alliance in a random horrible way and we’ll be dragged kicking and screaming down this road again while they frantically try to remember any named Horde characters they could have die along the way.

Maybe next time we could have a Goblin Shredder jump up and down a few times to cave in Ironforge.


NOooooooo…don’t drag Goblin Shredder into this! He’s one of the few notable heroes we have left!


You underestimate Blizzard’s ability to dump on the Night Elves.


Whenever they decided to throw the Blood Elves to the Horde, or throw true neutral allied races to the Horde, Blizzard pulls Garrithoses out of their butt.

Regular Garithos, evil bigot Tyrande at Suramar, Purge Squads, and of course Exarch Y’rell and her blessed Jihad to cleanse Draenor. Heck, for future Allied Races to the Horde just throw Tyrande there, have her arrogantly lecture at these neutral factions about how terrible they are, and within weeks they’ll be running to the Horde for salvation. Tyrande is the worst NE representative. Their entire narrative purpose is to propel the whole “stringent Alliance” meme.

Just as the Horde has a schizophenic seesaw between honor horde vs everyone else, so too does the Alliance seesaw between altrusitic multicultural nations looking out for one another and racist pseudo-Imperial humancentric empire that regularly allies with aliens and civilized monsters to achieve its aims.

If anything, there is just a problem of properly writing a divide between positively idealistic Alliance and bigoted, “kill 'em all” Alliance. Night Elves being stuck up to Nightborne is arguably in character for them. Humans were not supposed to be bastions of forward-thinking, peace and prosperity as a universal trait. If Humans can have the Scarlet Crusade, than AU Draenei can have their theocracy take a very bad turn, as real ones do. The Alliance does not seem to have its less savory elements shoved into its face like the Horde does.


While you have a point, it’s rather silly to suggest that the Alliance is stained by these actors. Only the Horde ever sees these actions, and they’re quickly forgotten about by the next zone.

The Alliance player is only ever shown that Tyrande has an issue with the Nightborne, and no one has protested her actions or considered her monstrous for it save for the Nightborne themselves.

As far as the Alliance PC is concerned, all the Horde ARs are just bloodthirsty monsters who hate the color blue, justice, and homemade apple pie.


I had always assumed that after the many tragedies of the Third War, the surviving civilized humans wouldn’t be too picky on which race they ally with, they no longer had the numbers nor forces to allow themselves to be anything but forward-thinking. Though that’s more headcanon than something spelled out in the lore.

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At the very least we still are helping Jaina attack and or kill loyal Horde soldiers to include Sunreavers. I don’t think dead Sunreavers are off the table yet, I’ll be convinced once I see the entire experience.

Per the vid I watched Horde soldiers bodies are littered around the room, but the video skipped some parts.


And now in 8.2 Thalyssra is looking back to the Alliance and Horde working together to liberate Suramar and is suggesting to Lor’themar that they should do that again.


The Nightborne are in a weird position. Before War of Thorns, you can get why they would want to join the Horde, which to them really means “the faction with our Blood Elf friends”. It would not be a good idea to immediately break away (blighting of their city might result) even as the two main representives are not comfortable with what is going on. They aren’t really invested in the conflict, no grudges for the Alliance, so not much to make them willing to let Sylvanas hold the reigns so the Alliance can burn (not that Sylvanas seems to be good at doing that so far). Their leader literally just defers to Lor’themar’s advice after Baine is arrested.


Yes, because I will be looking for the split second opportunity where I can stick a shiv in Saurfang’s back–repeatedly, until he is dead.

Will I die? Probably, but so does Saurfang.
Does the rescue attempt fail? Probably, but target eliminated.
Might Jaina die? Maybe, but target eliminated.

Also, Saurfang doesn’t get an honorable death.


Feels like alliance PC doesn’t actually exist in story. I played story on my ally alt and i don’t remember a situation where it wasn’t about Jaina or Jaina’s family. Everything could be done by Jaina, her family or bunch of NPCs like that pirate guy or Bolvar daughter

While Horde PC actually takes big part in quests. Saving trolls from G’huun (all praise goes to us from Talanji), assisting/spying on Baine and Saurfang by orders of them or Sylvanas, giving sylvanas xal’athath in raid where’s no NPC at all etc etc

As alliance you don’t even have a reason to be there with Jaina in Baine scenario… she could do everything by herself with Shaw and the horde part.


Because its Mists all over again but even more Horde character focused. Mark my words, Saurfang is essentially going to be the main character of BfA. Villain is Sylvanas. Alliance are the plot device used to further the Horde’s soul searching(again) about honor.


Uh … “regular Garithos” happened in WC3, before WoW and before High/Blood Elves were playable, let alone Horde. I don’t think you can argue that he was created for the sake of putting Blood Elves in the Horde.


This much of the “new” dialogue, at least, was reported back in April:

Could this be another case where the Alliance and Horde versions of a scene don’t match up?

Prepare to be massively disappointed.