Sunreavers in 8.2

Not sure If I’m allowed to post the video yet, but it seems to me that blizzard listened. Been a while since I’ve last heard of the debacle so I’m not up to speed.


I’m confused in what did way did Blizzard listen about the Sunreavers in 8.2?

If I remembered correctly, there were implications that we were going to kill some more of em.

So does that mean the Sunreavers were removed from 8.2 or is like the Jaina fight where they port out before they die?


Ráia, it would be helpful if you described the role sunreavers currently play in 8.2 and your source for this information.


I was coming here to say everything that Fel just said, so… everything Fel just said.


Sorry. Its the scenario with breaking Baine out and end up having to fight Hathorel.

Peeps thought we were going to kill him and a few other Sunreavers. Instead, we just freeze the guy and kill a bunch of undead elves.


Sweet! Link for the source?


Recently released.


That’s interesting.

You know I really would like to see this Sunreaver guy clash with Aethas.


Anything else changed or fixed in it?

Nice. He deserves to live for being the only character in the story post-Mists who’s been permitted to call Jaina out on how badly she handled that incident.


Did they change the dialogue as well? It looks different, at least from what I remember. And less egregious.

Ehh… Yup, they changed it. Heres the first version:

Baine: Thrall? Saurfang? Lady Jaina? Oh, no.
Saurfang: Baine my friend, we will get you out of here. The Alliance has agreed to help us.
Baine: You don’t understand. She knew you were coming…
Magister Hathorel: Ah. Right on schedule as Sylvanas knew you would be.
Jaina: We do not wish to end any more lives. Let us take Baine and go.
Magister Hathorel: No, Traitor. Lady Proudmoore. Do you remember me?
Magister Hathorel: I am Magister Hathorel, one of the many innocent Sunreaver mages you sicced your Silver Covenant dogs upon.
Jaina: There was more violence than I had wished, but it was the Sunreavers who betrayed us, first.
Magister Hathorel: A few who were following the orders of their lawful Warchief. As I do now.
Jaina: I will hold the barrier. Kill them!

And here is what is released:

Thrall: Baine!
Baine: Th–Thrall? Jaina?
Shaw: These chains are warded against magic. I’ll need time to pick the lock.
Saurfang: This feels wrong. Sylvanas must have known we were coming.
Magister Hathorel: Indeed she did, traitor. You and Lady Proudmoore.
Jaina: I have no quarrel with you.
Magister Hathorel: Have you forgotten the purge of Dalaran, murderer? Today, the Sunreavers will be avenged.
Jaina: Then your vendetta is with me, and me alone!
Magister Hathorel: No! You will watch your friends die–just as I did!
Magister Hathorel: Rangers! Kill them all! FOR THE SUNREAVERS!


Well that’s certainly better than before. It’s not perfect, I’m still not thrilled to have to ‘play along’ and kill the Forsaken elves, but it’s better.


That’s … subtle, but it is definitely a step in a better direction than what it was b4. That being said … Blizz better hope that Velonara side-quest that we saw hints of has some more characterization for these poor sods of Forsaken Elves. Its growing increasingly concerning that that specific plot-point seems to be going nowhere (when it is one of THE most contentious topics of this expansion).


Any other fixes? Any changes to Saurfang’s attempts at throwing shade at the Alliance, or Thrall offering three ways to say you’ll help Baine?

It’s kinda a weird fix, really. Like, it’s good that the Horde isn’t being made to kill Sunreavers, but the tradeoff is that now only a single Sunreaver is trying to avenge them.


I have a hard time believing Blood Elves would just be okay with Sylvanas raising their rangers from the dead, especially with Lor’themar making a big deal about the mere idea of it.


I like the new version a lot more, the old one read kind of like a back-and-forth between forum goers instead of two characters in a story, one emotional and vengeful and the other just trying to defuse a bad situation and leave.

It was worse than that. It came off as confirmation of the whitewashing of any Alliance misdeeds. Especially the last line.