Sunreavers in 8.2

Horde players fighting horde players! Just what I wanted to see from this expansion. Faction pride at its finest!

Thanks so much, Blizzard!


Even orcs are getting killed. And you worried about elves

Life of a traitor cost more than your own kin


Yeah, thanks to Dave Ballsak for appointing the least qualified character as leader for a faction composed of living beings at the cost of an already great character who was literally perfect for the role and was unanimously agreed as such.


We get it, you have a childish hate of Forsaken


Take satisfaction in knowing that no matter how much they destroy the Forsaken for this ********** of a story, the Horde will always be the villains in the greater conflict. The Horde has been written and will continue to be written as black as tar, while the Alliance as white as the driven snow.

With these writers, it’s only a matter of time until Saurfang purges another Alliance city, like he did all throughout the Warcraft RTS games as the avatar of the Horde Commander.


They could clash over baked goods! Because we know if there’s one thing that gets Aethas riled up…

As far as the change goes…good? We’re still helping Jaina Proudmore i.e. the current final boss of the raid that kills a Horde faction leader to kill more Horde, but if you’re a Horde player you just have to accept that you’re on the bad guy faction and if you want anything else it means working for the Alliance. And if you’re an Alliance player you just have to accept that you are so dumb that you are going to willingly work with the guys who will definitely sucker punch you again. Which is a terrible direction for Blizzard to take the story again, but it seems like all they know how to do.

My main worry is what the original version of this event reveals about the writing team. How did that version not get immediately shot down by someone saying “Hey, isn’t a bit awful to make Horde players, Blood Elf players have to side with Jaina Proudmore against the Sunreavers, and even have them reference the Purge of Dalaran while doing so?” Is the writing team that out of touch?

Exactly this. People blaming Sylvanas are missing the point entirely. Sylvanas isn’t real. The problem is how the writing team perceives the Horde and Alliance relationship, which is clearly one of antagonist/protagonist. As long as that core assumption is in place, we will keep getting the same story but with new characters thrown under the bus.


Well Tyrande got her revenge and Sylvanas was the leader the Horde was hoping for for so long to finally bring peace so…


Killing more of those Kaldorei Dark Rangers to ensure they’re completely scrubbed from the plot? I see this as an absolute win!


The same could be said about your hatred for the Alliance and senseless nihilism.


i find it funny that they use another sunreaver to be the bad guy.
no, he is not the bad guy for trying to have vengeance on jaina, but rather because he also wants to kill thrall and saurfang out of nowhere.

i think that is a shame that he survived, sunreavers only create problems (like that sunreaver sabotaging dalaran in legion, ha!)

but this is just weird, i was okay with how they handled dazarlazor
working with different perspectives, but i am just extremely confused now on the direction of the story making you work with your biggest enemies?

probably this time blizzard wanted you to hate the other faction so much so you can now know how you feel when characters who hate each other have to work togheter?

Overall, I consider this shift one step forward and two steps back.

In the old scenario, a substantial group of Sunreavers are angry at Jaina and the player has to kill most of them.

The in the new scenario, it’s one guy, and the player doesn’t kill him.

The “step forward” is that we’re not actually killing any Sunreavers, which is nice for my characters.

The “steps back” is that antagonism towards Jaina is now being framed as one crazy man’s vendetta and not an actual political stance with a number of supporters.

What they should actually do is make good on Lor’themar’s statement about going to Silvermoon to gather support. He should get there and find none. Nobody in Silvermoon cares more about Baine Bloodhoof than Sylvanas Windrunner. Nobody is going to ally with The Purger against the people who have been giving their unlives to defend the Ghostlands for a decade.


This, like in his vendetta he is also trying to kill everyone, so whats the difference between his vendetta and jaina’s purge killing innocents?
i don’t think that thrall or saurfang had anything to do with that.

so this only paints the sunreaver as the bad guy. and the one in the wrong.

Because Thrall and Saurfang actually are betraying the Horde right there. At least Saurfang is, Thrall is at least helping him. Whereas most of the Sunreavers had no hand in the situation that led to the Purge.


Do you honestly expect Blizzard to ever paint the Alliance and its Heroes in the wrong? Ever?

Tyrande at this point can strangle a baby and Nu-Blizz would say the baby deserved it.

Watch Alleria and the Void Elves succumb to the darkness and hurl Horde refugees into the void to be consumed by the monstrosities therein, cackling madly while they do it. Nah, they’re still heroes.

“It’s only evil when it’s the Horde doing it.” -David


This is the most accurate description of Blizzard writting. Read no further.


I think that Blizzard is trying to make the Horde Civil War more morally grey, while illustrating that Team Saurfang is where the Horde is going to end as a whole.* This is seen with the Sunreaver having a legitimate issue with Jaina that he understandably wants vengeance for. However when Jaina offers to make it just him and her he rejects it by going overboard and trying to kill Saurfang and Thrall who wouldn’t involved in the manner.

*The fact the only difference is a play along option and that you are given chances to opt out of the loyalists quests by not informing Nathanos of what Baine and Lor’themar are up to really cements my view on Team Saurfang being the Horde’s future.

That’s really unlikely that Lor’themar will have no support. For one even if they like Sylvanas more than Baine, the blood elves (at least the leadership) are Team Lor’themar over Team Slyvanas. Rommath outright loathes Sylvanas and while he does loath Jaina, he was the guy pushing Lor’themar to become Warchief.

With that said with that Sunreaver guy surviving the scenario it leads to questions as to what they have planned for him. Thus he could try and cause a schism within Silvermoon when Lor’themar rallies support.

The Sunreavers I’d presume will be the majority of the Blood Elves while Rommath and Halduron lead the minority in backing Lorthemar!

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Blizzard should use their fancy new “unconscious” tag more often, especially in these civil war quests.

I imagine plenty of rebellion members would be happier just incapacitating their ‘misguided’ allies, while those who are just ‘playing along’ would like the option to not kill other Sylvanas supporters. It’d make it easier to have more vengeance-consumed Sunreavers present without making the player permanently kill them all.


I haven’t really been paying attention to this storyline because I don’t care about Baine. Is there a reason my character, a Night Elf who fought in the War of the Thorns and barely survived Teldrassil, is running around side by side with Saurfang in order to save a boring mancow?


Yes, you got your vengeance but now the scales are out of balance so you have to help the Horde to… um… i lost track, was i doing a tangent or a sarcasm?