Sunreavers in 8.2


Here is the whole quest line. Not sure what else is changed.

such a pathetic writing, they should just stop.

Jaina should visit a shrink to check her bipolar disorder. She’s pretty much on same level of 180 turns as horde PC


This is just as bad.


It’s okay! Only Tauren, Orc and Troll lives are important. It’s fine if Saurfang, Baine, and Thrall murder legions of loyal Forsaken and Dark Rangers (apparently). Thank goodness that one Blood Elf wasn’t killed…

That said, I’m happy that one Blood Elf isn’t being killed.


But I wanted to put elves in the ground.

Wasn’t that line about “watching your friends die” in there before?

Interestingly enough the new one was Datamined since the beginning…

So were they holding back the intended one just to rile us up!?!

Most likely they were still deciding on which version they liked more.

Horde lives don’t matter.

Armies of Tauren, Orc, and Trolls get fragged in Lordaeron by Sylvanas. - I sleep

A Belf has a bad dream. - I awaken


Hm. I am glad Blizz decided on this. It is not much. But it is something.

One less thing to be bummed about.

That’s too bad.

this but unironically

Closes Chest labeled “Morally Grayness” with numerous sharp and pointy weapons, sighing

Soon old friend, Soon.


I am glad they updated the text and Scenario. The spiel about obeying the orders of their “Lawful Warchief”. Bruh you reside in Dalaran. A NEUTRAL city. Led by a person who has already forgiven a transgression of one of your number.

I get it, was the Purge get excessive? Well, not to me but for some yes. But like, there were events that got you there.

While the Alliance has plenty of reasons to put Sunreavers to the sword, the Horde has none. Literally zero.

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Omg, that just made my day. Now the tragic “Lor’themar sends you to kill the Sunreavers” meme can finally die :smile:


Hathorel ice blocks, but it still appears that you have to kill the other Sunreavers that came with him.

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Poor people of the horde. You can’t make friends in horde, you might just kill them next week because either warchief or rebels ask you to do so. And you kill both of your friends, cause you can’t resist ! sign


There’s a certain irony to the “Horde” scenario working best if you play it as an Alliance character (well, maybe not a nelf or worgen). You even get to take the time to go break some Horde weapons and stuff in another part of Org while you’re there.

The one saving grace of the scenario is that it’s not stuck to the Pathfinder achievement. I was legitimately worried I might actually have to go do the war campaign on a character to get flying unlocked. Hoping things stay this way.

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Kinda like how only Forsaken lives mattered when legions of loyal Orc, Tauren, and Troll lives were callously tossed away trying to defend their city.

Like, screw you AND your dark rangers.


is it still the same plot as mists?
then it isnt fixed yet


This is the real issue.