Sunday Funday!

I feel like I’m letting everyone down. I shot most of the Forsaken humanoids in Bastion, made some bags then cleaned my fridge. :woman_shrugging:


How you letting everyone down? You’re good.

Cleaning the fridge is good. Careful of dust bunnies!

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I’m sitting here waiting on my nearly 8-year-old GPU to either catch on fire or actually finish this upscale in Topaz AI to 1440p of 20 seconds of a 15-year-old 1080i broadcast capture I made of a fireworks show and had previously downscaled back then to 854x480 to save space…just to use it in a GIF whose final resolution will likely be either, if I stick to 16:9, 400x225 or maybe even 320x180 and at 10 or 20fps… :rofl: :face_holding_back_tears: I’m not even going to post it under this character, so it likely won’t get much love :clown_face:.



Well if you post it post it in here! I always enjoy your gifs! =)

Classic sunday

Its like

I can have a leg in one hand, and a breurh in the other

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Ah what now?

Oh god I googled that. Why did I google that!

/scold bad…


I have no idea what you found

alls I know is its a super lame reference to something super vague that no one has ever gotten, but the moment someone knows, I will marry them

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Ah ok the first thing that popped up after googling it and then going to “search for breurh” only came up with um… well a profile on Instagram that uh… well the description didn’t look promising lol

I am sitting on porch a block from the beach 70 miles from my PC, drinking a bourbon and cola while my dog eats a beef marrow bone. Browsing the forums and seeing what kind of lunacy you lot are up to today. Been a nice afternoon.

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Oh that sounds fun! The beach is fun cause there’s always somekind of shells or critters in the sand.

The little sea piggies or sand fleas (whatever you wanna call em) are cute.

These things:

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oh noㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

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It took like 40 minutes for that to complete the upscale…it did help a little bit though. I went with a higher res GIF than normal just because this time (plus, with so few colors overall because of the night sky, I could get the file size to within the limits I try to stick to). This was going to be for tomorrow, but I went ahead and posted it in the thread I was planning on because you never know how the thread context might change by the next day.


Did someone say Fundito?

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I’ve been sick since Friday.

This has been a pitiful weekend.


Oh no I’m sorry /hug hopefully you get to feeling better!

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I hope you feel better :balloon:.
“Orcs eat fruit as well,” he said…ha! I knew orcs should stick to a rock-only diet…


Here’s a list of different foods to eat while sick.

Now I know you can’t make homemade chicken noodle from scratch like in the picture, but chicken noodle like the Campbell’s kind is always good.

sneaks up behind fuzzbutt, gently pulls her tail, scampers off and wiggles toes

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Hey! Can you make a gif of me stealing someone’s beer?

snickers and wiggles toes

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Lol hey now Majin! That’s my tail! xD