Sunday Funday!

Today is Sunday and you know what that means!

Today is Funday also!

What ways are you going to have fun on this Sunday?

I’m going to be doing some crafting and leveling up characters and doing some yard work later. May hook up the art tablet too if I can find the cords!

Hope everyone has a good Sunday Funday! Make it exciting!


I’m gonna listen to some music, buy some food, buy some fireworks for tomorrow, probably play some Vermintide 2 later with a couple guildies. Between those things I’ll probably screw around with a low level alt I’m soloing dungeons with.


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That sounds fun! I’ve never played Vermintide at all but I’ve seen gameplay it and looks fantastic.

Yeah I gotta head to the store at some point and get some stuff for tomorrow too. I wanted to get some garden decorations for the front but sadly they were all sold out.

Lol too popular xD

I like that song so far it’s awesome!

I have been on an Alice Cooper kick lately:


Going to go have pizza with the inlaws and meet my nephew that was born a bit over a month ago.


Omg that sounds awesome! Congrats btw =)

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Hey you’re welcome! =)

Yeah fiancé and I saw this new pizza place advertised and apparently you get 2 pizzas, breadsticks, cinna sticks, all kinds of stuff for like… 25 dollars so may get it tonight.

Be enough left overs for a couple days that’s for sure! Well, unless the fiancé eats an entire pizza again. lol

Ooooh, that is a good deal!


I’m stuck between doing the nerdiest thing on the internet and Roleplaying, Watching a random show on Prime/HBO/Disney oooor Leveling my new troll druid.

I could do one on each monitor I guess. I want to go swimming and exercise but I’m sick with the Rona and moving for more than 5 minutes is a bad idea.

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Oh not! Feel better!


Oh yeah for sure.

Could do all 3. RP as the troll druid while watching prime :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh no! Get well soon! /hug

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LOL Pretty much.

That’s like that flat earth thread… I’m surprised that was restored. xD

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Messing around on alts.
Shopping at some point,having a beer or three and binge watching something later.

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Oh hey nothing wrong with a beer on a Sunday! Good day for it. =)

Hopefully whatever you decide to binge watch turns out good.

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I went for a nice walk this morning and then hit the gym.

Now I’m going to play FFXIV for a bit. Then go level a Gnome warrior on moonguard and report people who make fun of my height. :smile:

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Lol walks are good. I gotta get back into doing my daily walks. This medicine has been kicking my rear end lol

And I played FFXIV for a bit, and I may get back into it.

Le gasp.

I like my gnomes. It’s those other gnomes! :angry:

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