Summon Random Favorite Mount does not work properly anymore

same, it only ever selects ground mounts regardless of what type of flying i have enabled and it’s happening on ALL of my characters, not just some :c

Edit: i’m pretty sure it starts happening if you swap OFF of dragon riding. if you choose steady, it will no longer ever choose anything other than ground mounts. even if you swap back to dragon riding. that’s why it’s only happening to some people’s characters and not all, but i get distracted easily so i don’t really like dragon riding unless it’s the only option, so i swapped all of my characters first thing when i logged on. my husband has little patience or time to play so he never swapped it and doesn’t have an issue, it just picks a random flying-dragon riding mount from his favorites every time

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Unbelievable. We’re nearly at the launch of TWW and this still hasn’t been fixed, let alone addressed. I can’t say I’m surprised by the sheer incompetence on display in regards to communication, though. Seriously, how damn difficult is it for a mod/employee to post a comment letting us know that they’re aware of the issue? This is a long-running, highly-viewed thread with 62 comments as of writing - far more than the vast majority of threads in this forum. How much more obvious does it have to be for Blizz to recognise that this isn’t some minor, one-off issue? Jesus Murphy, man…


I just found another thing:

With Steady Flight enabled, I seem to be unable to fly at all in the Primalist Future (The Temporal Conflux, Thaldraszus), regardless of whether the Random Mount button is used or a flying mount is selected manually.
The only way to get back to the platform to leave is to switch to Skyriding and then select a flying mount.

oh yeah that’s always been a thing. i didn’t consider that a bug but perhaps it was. it happened before they made the steady flight vs sky riding change to all mounts

Just found something new - in Battle for Stromgarde, random mount selects ONLY the Otherworldly Ottuk Carrier at the old 310% speed. Works correctly on the ship pre-battle, once you land it’s all Ottuk.

This has been happening to me to for the last few weeks does not matter what flying style I use it always summons a ground mount

The War Within is now live and this still hasn’t been addressed or fixed. Blizzard’s continued silence is deafening.

Folks, you should start spreading this around to other platforms. We need to cause enough of a ruckus so that Blizzard can’t keep their heads in the sand. If other people are having this issue but haven’t spoken up about it, we should encourage them to do so. This is completely unacceptable and Blizzard needs a damn wake-up call… or better yet, a wake-up kick in the teeth.

Funny thing is, the issue itself - as infuriating as it is to deal with - isn’t even the worst part about this anymore. It’s the radio silence we’re getting in response to our continued reports. Whoever’s in charge of community management - if there even is anyone at this point - is asleep at the wheel. Same goes for QA, I swear down.

Bumping for visibility.

Welp just completed TWW Pathfinder an hour ago and unlocked Steady Flight in Khaz. Hoped with that complete that Summon Favorite Mount would work properly.

No joy. Still only summons ground mounts…

this hasn’t worked since prepatch, and we’ve heard nothing about it. Blizzard - PLEASE FIX

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Maybe we need to submit another bug report in game after every patch …

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BUMP …FIX PLS for love of this hot garbage

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Having this issue as well. When I’m in Steady Flight mode and I don’t have the Otterwordly Ottuk Carrier in favorites it will just summon ground mounts, while if I have it in my favorites, it will only summon the Otterwordly Ottuk Carrier mount.

Just experienced this bug as well. Only solution I found was to remove all ground mounts from favorites… I hope this gets fixed… I want to have favorite mounts without having issues switching flying modes…

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i logged out pre-early access release with sky riding selected on my paladin. logging in on release i was able to use the random favorite button as intended again, suddenly. but i had issues with my keybind for whirling surge. after getting steady flight i decided to swap back, hoping that the new zones were utilizing the favorite button as usual, i was wrong and it doesn’t work again. how utterly frustrating :c i’ll also have to remove all ground mount favorites in the hopes of being able to use the button


Bumping again. Blizzard continues to ignore this issue, to nobody’s surprise.


Still bugged. If this issue keeps getting ignored, at least just send out a social media post confessing your hatred towards people who enjoys regular flying.


Summon Random Favorite Mount with Steady Flying enabled will not summon flying mounts, only ground mounts if your favorites include any ground mounts. I found that when I removed all ground mounts from my favorites (which I did not want to do), it still summoned any Ottuks that are aquatic mounts. So I removed them from the aquatic list.

Now – summon random favorite will now summon a flying mount with steady flight. But this is not a good solution as I should be able to have ground mounts in my favorites list.


If I teleport/portal/hearth while in steady flight I’ll only summon ground mounts. If I teleport/portal/hearth while in sky riding then it works normally. I’ve tested this with different characters. teleporting while in steady flight seems to toggle on ground mounts only and teleporting in sky riding turns it off.

This is what’s happening to me! Same mount and everything, it’s frustrating as I prefer regular flight.

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