Sulfuras and thunderfury

A lot of people want Sulfuras until you tell them that they need to acquire 50 arcanite bars, 10 blood of the mountain, 20 dark iron bars and 25 essence of fire and THEN wait for their turn in line for a 3% drop from Ragnaros.

Then suddenly they realize that, hey, there’s this other cool thing they want that isn’t so hard to get.

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This whole post is about paladin. Lmao and then you tried to belittle people. Just go troll some where else

Oh, so i don’t have the right to share my opinion? :thinking:

As i said; if the guild is mainly PvP and working together to get the eye of sulfuras(if ever it will drop) for the Paladin, so be it. But i PERSONALLY THINK that it is a waste for PvE.

Then share it, who should sulfuras go to on ALLIANCE ? Paladin or warrior ?

This is true, I remember we had a guild once change the pre-defind loot system for a new main tank. People who saved points for months stopped raiding and the tank left for a BWL guild soon after.

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Purely PvE: I believe Warrrior. Even if Mace spec are terrible for them … there is many new “meta” that been arisen from Pserver, so there could be a chance for Mace Furry Warrior to be a thing.

Purely PvP: Paladin obviously!

That’s why we are ironing everything out now, just so everyone is on board with the plan and there are no misunderstandings.

We already have our first bindings assigned (obviously inner circle) because you have to do that.

There is no meta where stun is better in PvE than an extra chance to swing and a 3 stack armor piercing buff. BRE is BIS till Naxx for 2h fury PvE.

Thank you for your input. Just wanted it relevant to what we were talking about is all

there’s an old adage about counting chickens before they’re hatched.

in your case,

don’t /roll for loot before it’s dropped.

Also, my DK will get TF before your tank paladin does.

(see what i did there?)

/roll and I will have my lvl 60 mount before you have a DK! So ha.

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Straw man isn’t a “buzzword”. It’s a term used for a particular usage of logical fallacy.

Geez, the internet produces some very interesting people. Lol.

If it’s true for warriors, it’s true to Paladins as well. You contradict yourself describing Paladin AOE. If Paladins increase AOE threat, then that in turn increases everyone’s dps, according to your own logic.

That’s ignoring the fact that Paladins already increase the dps of the raid through buffs and auras.

Depends on which version we get. Maybe no one will want it and it’ll just be sharded.


Wow, you’re really blowing some serious smoke here. Just like warriors in Defense Stance, is everything a Paladin does generates increased threat with Righteous Fury active.

Fair enough.

Well, someone didn’t play alliance in vanilla. The difference in raid difficulty between horde and alliance was the fact that the Paladin class was better than the shaman class, and offered raidwide benefits that no other class could match.

There is already an AOE tank god.

The outward expression of jealousy takes many forms.

Uh. Lol?

Of course. I mean, when the literal god speaks, all must bend upon their knees to his mighty words.

Taunt is almost entirely useless as a MT skill.

Winning argument right here. We are all convinced.

Pally weapon.


It doesn’t matter what you think of Swifty personally, he was a literal god of Vanilla. His understanding of the game was holistic in nature. He certainly knows a lot more about the game than any rando on the forums. I know this is a spicy take for you, but most of the armchair theorists on the forums aren’t exactly math wizards. There are other places for actual theorycrafters.

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Buzzword: a word or phrase, often an item of jargon, that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context.

Considering the current culture is based around debates and garbage politics or whatever, that is definitely a buzzword. Especially since you didn’t use it correctly at all. Try again, Mr. Debater.

I mean it made me laugh, so I think this post accomplished its goal. Get those oranges, pink ranger, and show them all they are wrong about you.


At the end of the day if I were a Paladin and I didn’t get bindings, I would /gquit. You’re never going to progress if your in a guild that doesn’t know how to theorycraft and and doesnt’ actually understand the meta. It might as well actually be a hunter weapon.

The thing is that people didn’t know anything in Vanilla, and they are just regurgitating the same incorrect opinions they had back in the day.


In actual Vanilla, actual prot paladins wielded TF during actual world first kills.

This is from the world first Nefarian Kill, guild was called Drama. The paladin’s name was Shisho.

If you look at the re-upload date and think its a pserver here’s an older one

but it’s just the last couple hits and since it’s from the MT PoV can’t really see much.

It’s simply a good tanking weapon, if your guild already has enough of a brain to use a prot paladin for trash/add tanking having said aoe tank have even better threat is always a good thing. Now I’m not suggesting they would get prio over the MT, but any DPS scrub? absolutely.

I still don’t understand how anyone can think a weapon that produces that much extra threat (threat beyond it’s damage) would be a good idea to give to a melee DPS (lower threat threshold) who will already be throttling their DPS to not pull agro.

If you are in a guild that thinks holy spec is required for raiding… obviously they are never gonna let a paladin touch TF.


Ask swifty what his opinion is on class balance. He thinks that putting frost resistance gear on a warrior is the same thing as a mage wearing mage plate armor. Oh wait, there is no mage plate.

Swifty is an imbecile.

Why linking a video with a Prot Warrior tanking, when you are talking about Protection Paladin?

Another typical Swifty hater. Doesn’t understand WoW or the genius that is Swift. Of course you’d never duel him yourself, as he’d evaporate your character in a single instant.