Sulfuras and thunderfury

lol this aint counterstrike man. no one cares how good you are at spamming macros.

Prot paladins don’t have enough niche throughout raid content in vanilla to put TF to use, whereas warriors will make ultimate use of it 100% of the time. You will not be getting TF on your paladin. Everyone rolling classic for the purposes of being the one true offspec hero with special gears and weapons, this is your warning of mortal dissapointment

I mean, Swifty at the time was well known and ahead of the game. Now… not so much. He’s not really anything special anymore. He wasn’t even at the time at the same level as most other well known PvPers.

Because the prot paladin didn’t record a video obviously?

I’ve never once stated prot paladins should be the MT, warriors are better boss tanks hands down. However there is more to raiding than just tanking a boss.

The whole point of Hybrids is that they are capable of performing multiple roles depending on the needs of the raid.

A paladin with 0 talent points in holy can still heal, heck their throughput barely even takes a hit. Their longevity does… so kill faster right?

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There are no offspecs in vanilla or classic. How telling.

That’s your fabled hope but you are not getting Tf as a prot paladin and won’t be tanking raids either. Doesn’t matter how you word it. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.

As someone who actually off tanked in vanilla raids as a prot paladin… nope only you know it. And that’s fine, your guild can do things your way.

I personally find it funny how offended many of you act at the mere idea of a paladin doing anything other than just healing. If it offends you so much, why even play alliance?


I’d ask you how far that guild has gone, but I’m afraid I could probably take a wild guess

Couple bosses in naxx before TBC prelaunch and no one really cared anymore. We weren’t super hard core like so many here seem to try be. Weird as it may seem to you and many people with a similar mindset, we played the game to have fun.

Don’t worry half these people that are suddenly min/max and hardcore didn’t do half the things they said they did.

People can play whatever they want and you can still progress in 1.12 dps check is no problem. And mechanics are very basic.

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It’s a fact that a paladin would be able to squeeze out twice as many procs. The only abilities that can proc TF in defensive stance are BT and MS. While a paladin gets both judgement and SoRighteousness procs to activate it. Should a warrior choose not to use defensive stance, during that time they lose the 49.5% bonus threat but also suffer the 20% threat reduction from battle/berserker stances. Not to mention them losing 45 threat from the defensive stance damage caused reduction.

You are wrong about having no one willing to let a pally main tank. That said it will probably be a minority. Cool info, paladins can match warrior in threat unless the warrior decides to get rid of their shield. They are just held back due to mechanical reasons for a few fights and the lack of official gear support which requires compensation.

Paladins still reign supreme even without TF.

…why are you afraid of guessing?

My point was that this is a substantial increase in AoE threat where paladins rarely struggle. Dps are already at or near-max AoE dps with the threat of a paladin tank. The other problem is that big AoE encounters are very niche in most raids. Why waste a TF on a paladin tank that is only viable for a very few select encounters when you can give it to a warrior that is both optimal & viable on every encounter.

I do think having a prot pally in your raid team isnt a bad idea, but i would expect them to heal most encounters (with healing gear and prot spec) and only tank on the few encounters/trash that they are quite useful. Expect to mainly gear up from the items your main tanks dont want if your in a progression guild.

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Wrong. Pallies go OOM which then drops threat. Also Fury tank will be a thing post Molten Core so Warriors will have lots of procs for TF

Ok but it still stands that it will increase all threat for them not just aoe. Any tank would want that weapon. If your ot is a Paly they should have a chance at it after the mt

In the unlikely situation they are, sure? Why not? Using a spell power 1h also increases their threat. But I’d give Thunderfury to the ones who can utilize it more first. Tankadins aren’t really going to be a thing, since mana is their limiting factor and TF won’t help that.

That is one of the dumbest videos I’ve ever watched.


They only go oom if you don’t use this thing called team work.

…You didn’t read my post did you? You can tell the truth. Popquiz time. When in Defensive stance, what aspects of your class are capable of proccing TF? What aspects of a paladin are capable of proccing TF? You’ll get a cookie if you get both right.

OK, so he talks about how warriors are superior at AoE tanking, how paladins would have died if they pulled like he did, then nearly dies several times in T3 gear + full range of buffs. Saying it’s not a big deal that paladins have Divine Shield when he pops Shield Wall every pull. Must be fun waiting 30 min. per pull. Goes on about how paladins use mana and most of the fights end before 2 Consecrates would have finished which would leave the paladin with plenty of mana. Not to mention if he is going to go all out like that with buffs and consumables it wouldn’t be hard to stock up on rejuv potions.

Seriously doing the dungeons in T3 entirely discredits his opinion in those instances as he doesn’t have a fair comparison. As for all the AoE threat he is doing, paladin can have all the same buffs and items. If you compare the threat output within a consecrate, the paladin still pulls ahead. The paladin has a full damage immunity every 2.5 min. minimum + one long cooldown full heal vs 1 30 min cooldown. That’s 10-12 sec. of free pulling and positioning and generating threat.

TL:DR version is that he compares a warrior to a gimp warrior instead of a paladin.

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