Sulfuras and thunderfury

We are talking about paladin here. No point in mentioning shaman from another faction. And you’re simply wrong if you think paladin doesn’t have the same right to hand of rag as a warrior. Way wrong.

But Warrior>Shaman will get priority over Paladin for Sulfuras

Warrior and Rogues will get priority over Paladin for TF.

If you REALLY WANT to be THAT paladin, then make your own guild, because you will never be able to get both weapon.

And you’re simply wrong if you think paladin stand a chance to get a legendary weapon over more important rolls. Sorry to bust your bubble(hearth).

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Our guild is not going to have any class priority for Sulfuras. If you can equip it, there is a costly process required to get in line for the drop. I don’t care if you’re a shaman, a warrior, a druid, or whatever.

From a raiding guild’s perspective, Sulfuras is a cosmetic item and goes to the raiders in the order that they farm the necessary and ridiculous mats for it.

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Sulfuras isnt an important roll. It isn’t useful in PvE. Warriors dont want it for PvP because 2h mace spec is horrible. They’re much better off with BRE. It’s better for a Paladin. Any guild with class knowledge understands this.

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I mean, if you want to waste it on a paladin that do way lower dps than a fury warrior… then go ahead.

Fury warriors don’t use 2h unless they’re horde, in which case, they want BRE, not Sulfuras.

And their is better class Sulfuras belong over Paladin. Any guild with class knowledge understand this.

There isn’t. I encourage you to educate yourself on vanilla itemization and progression for each class, or you’ll wind up very upset when raiding.

Bro you don’t know what you’re talking about. No one will be using sulfuras in a raid. It’s not a pve item. It’s a pvp, cosmetic item.

I never stated using it in a PvE situation, go read back the emssage before saying non-sense.

And you should do the same. Because Paladin aren’t worth it, unless the raid guild also do PvP(if the main focus is PVP, then maybe). But beside that, there is 0 chance that it would go to a paladin.

Explain your thought process and I’ll explain mine.

PvE - Wont use unless Horde 2h fury, in which case you want BRE
PvP - Wont use because it’s a mace, and mace spec is bad for warriors. Again, BRE is much better

PvE - Likely wont use unless your guild allows Ret Paladins
PvP - Very good weapon for Ret paladins. Slow, scales well with SoC. SoC procs can also proc the on hit ability.

Explain to me who on the Alliance side would better utilize Sulfuras and why please.

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Sulfuras, not TF. Also horde has no paladins :stuck_out_tongue:

Sulfuras is not a pve weapon. We’re not going to masterloot a legendary and ridiculous mats to someone to marginally increase their dps only to watch them stop using it one raid tier later.


That’s why i said there is 0 chance it would go to Paladin. Because i play horde, but people doesn’t seem to understand that. :roll_eyes:

Nice backpedal.

Why are you in here again?

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A raiding guild is not going to give up all of those mats so someone can have a pvp weapon that provides zero raid benefit. If he wants it, he needs to round up the mats himself. This goes for enhancement shamans on horde-side.

Oh I agree. I’m not saying a guild will pay for it or round up the mats for them. I’m simply saying that a paladin is the best to loot the eye of sulfuras to.

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Yes, our guild has a list of mats required to collect to give to the guild smith. That gets him in line. No one gets the Eye of Sulfuras looted to them unless they basically already have the Sulfuron Hammer.

A paladin does not get to jump to the front of the line.

No doubt if a warrior wants it and has mats he has a right to it as well. My whole point was it is actually a VERY good weapon for paladin pvp and that other guy was arguing it should go to war or shaman before paladin.

because i was speaking from a HORDE perspective. Would that make sense if i was speaking of both side? Of course not.