Sulfuras and thunderfury

I would expect most guilds to complete 2-4 TFs at best by the time they reach naxx. To waste a TF on a dps would hinder progression significantly. TF increases tank threat significantly, which in turn increases the dps ceiling of everyone in your raid. Even if it is 5% increase in threat, that is a minimum 5% more dps everyone in your raid can do, which vastly outshadows the 5-10% increase in dps of one player.

As for the paladin argument, it would be a god awful idea to waste it on a paladin tank. Not only are AoE pulls super niche in most boss encounters, but paladins already have an outstanding toolkit for AoE threat. TF helps strengthen a weakness of warrior tanks which is AoE threat, but paladins rarely struggle in big AoE situations so its basically like giving a tank to someone who already had a bazooka in a gun fight that was supposed to be with pistols.

Hand of rag is fine for paladins or enhance to roll on. Tbh it is ussually better off in there hands anyway as a slow hitting pvp weapon that maximizes the burst of things like windfury and SoC. Most warriors are likely to be fury and there are better and more easily obtainable options for 2h warriors anyway

I can’t really think of a proc weapon you’d want in the first place, certainly not Thunderfury. It’s why I said Ashkandi, which is a static +AP and hits hard, would be far more valued.


Look out hunters. A new contender has emerged for weapon drops.

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Mage loot confirmed

So can someone give me the order of rarity/effort it takes to get these legendaries (bonus if you include the blades of azzinoth) :).

Sulfuras isn’t really in demand by anyone, so a Shaman or Paladin could pick it up. Thunderfury is really a Warrior tank item, and to a lesser extent for the Rogues and Fury Warriors. Atiesh is… well, primarily a DPS first legendary.

Warglaives are for Rogues and Warriors - Warriors don’t want the offhand though so they only compete for the main hand. Thori’dal is obviously a Hunter bow.

Sulfuras takes about about 10K gold in materials to make plus a 3% drop from Ragnaros.

Thunderfury requires two rare 3% drops… one from Garr and the other from Geddon, but is otherwise easier to get.

These are 40-man raid bosses with weekly resets. That means about 7 months of raiding for each item, and only 1 out of the 40 raiders gets it.

It clearly matches Hunter gear sets and is BiS for melee hunter.

Paladins use spell power so that proc won’t generate extra threat. However, it does have a near 100% proc rate for auto-shot, massively increasing the dps of a Hunter.

Pallys like you need to as well.

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10k seems a little inflated.

I have to refute this as long as your guild isn’t against druids 2-5.

So if I want a TF I should play port warrior, and not play the Orc Warlock I was planning on rolling?

I was just trying to give the impression that it’s a LOT, and a lot of those materials are raid drops, including those from Golemagg. It’s hard to put a value on those. If the guild isn’t reserving those specifically for you, then the cost to acquire them separately could be exhorbitant — especially early in the server when every guild is hoarding them.

I dunno. If your Voidwalker can equip swords maybe he can get TF?

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Don’t pick any class hoping for rare gear imo

…Well, it would be more like bazooka to Fallout Fatman while the warrior still has a pistol, but converted to use buckshot. A warrior will have less than half the number of procs on average unless they go furry and even then it comes to about half. So a paladin benefits 1.5-3x as much as a warrior would depending on the circumstance.


I just know that if you want to tank you want that weapon if you can get it. They had to nerf TF in BC because it was still the best tank weapon at 70 for raids. Generates a lot of threat. Giving it to a dps would be a waste for PVE because they would have to throttle back their dps so they didn’t grab aggro.

It’s gonna be rough getting those bindings away from the guild leader, aka the prot warrior.

rogues or fury warriors next after tank. pallies were garbage in Vanilla all around

no they dont. Clearly you have not played Vanilla wow. First off, nobody will pick a Pally to main tank. With that being said Thunderfury always goes to tank because of threat reasons. You cant give to dps until tank has because dps would pull threat away.