Sulfuras and thunderfury

lol. Our guild loot policy already specifically restricts any potential binding drops to Warriors and, if you want one and are not a warrior, then you should probably find another guild.

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Thunderfury is a rogue weapon.

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Link it.

This meme is on life-support. God is waiting in meme-heaven for a new member of his meme-crew.

google “sodapoppin warglaive”… first result on youtube

That’s actually sad.

This is the same guy now who wants to blacklist people who camp him on pvp servers because OBVIOUSLY they must have been stream sniping him.

Just stay far away from the manchild server, imo


Wow, I love how this devolved into whining about streamers. These forums are great.

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You could get it 4 years after Classic comes out when all the guild warriors and rogues(?) get theirs first.

What if this whole time it was a prot paly game changing bis weapon that made them totally viable. And this whole time y’all been denying them their shot at mt!

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You mean to end their lives? =p (sorry I had to)

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Unfortunately Thunderfury is going to go to those sweet sweet Prot Warriors protecting everyone’s face.
There aren’t going to be that many guilds prioritising giving legendaries to a different class just to make it viable.

Expect Prot Warriors to get first dibs, followed by Rogues, followed by Fury Warriors.

Sulfuras on the other hand? Absolutely.
2H Fury isn’t really utilised on Alliance due to the lack of Windfury, and the only other class to really utilise it is Shamans which for the same reason won’t be your competition. Druid’s can’t utilise the proc making it pretty useless on them also (I think Bears get prior in the event that no one else can use though?)

If you are allowed into raids as Retadin then you have a good chance of getting Sulfuras simply because no one else can utilise it better.

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5 minutes into the pull “Ok guys, 10 more seconds and you can start to dps”


Patience is a virtue

Patience for TBC expansion where pallies can raid tank? I agree completely


Sure is. Apparently rolling a warrior gives some people some sort of rite of passage to have exclusive rights to gear.

You’re not going to be the first paladin with a TF. There were plenty of bad guilds in vanilla that gave them away and wasted 39 other people’s time. It didn’t make them acceptable tanks then, it won’t make you one now.

One guild that I know of was local, Conviction (alliance) - Suramar (PST PvE). Gave TF to a Paladin (didn’t have any warriors with it either) and gave Ashkandi to a hunter. They didn’t make it very far into AQ40 if I recall correctly.

Well considering there’s 40 people in the raid I think they had bigger issues than one misplaced weapon

Benefits of being the best scaling class in the game. With limited resources the best/earliest gear will go to the people who benefit the most.
Guilds aren’t going to give a Paladin a 1% upgrade for example when the same item would have given a Warrior a 5% upgrade.

The Thunderfury effect’s spell damage will no longer be increased by other item effects.

This is a note from patch 1.08. Sorry to burst your bubble but that will be weak.