Suggestions to Fix the server Imbalance

wPvP does have a reward, you get honor, and the satisfaction of playing an MMORPG, and being able to go to war with your enemy for competition, that’s the beauty of an MMORPG, and not real life. Not needing permission to destroy your foe. That horde rogue scraping up that sweet sweet elementium ore just before you land? Welcome to the PvP aspect of the MMORPG, time to battle for it.

Oh, thank you for that.

Cross sever? The thing that has been passionately criticized by the Classic community?

Prevents people from playing with friends.

No one takes free transfers to struggling servers.

What would be the incentive? Please, don’t tell me the incentive is a increased EXP gains.

Prevents people from playing with friends.

thats subjective to you, sir. Want honor? Join a BG not everyone really enjoys WPVP for 20 honor. JS. Me personally I play on all PVP servers I’m just saying all in all it really doesnt matter whatsoever its a problem that is a problem because people MAKE it a problem. Dont like these mega servers? DONT PLAY ON THEM. dont like the mega server? you people need to start taking accountability and making a toon of the opposite faction on a server(not mega servers which are 2) start thriving and making groups. you complain about community but dont do anything to activate the community to do anything…

Grobbulus literally has a community that hosts events to keep the balance on the server THATS CLASSIC, and THATS COMMUNITY. Start taking notes and fix your own problems.

your answers are cookie-cutter irrational answers that suggests there aren’t other servers. And as previously mentioned these are spitballing ideas, obviously blizz can work around it. Just as they have with Layering, which was, has, and still is being strongly abused since classic vanilla.

Ok… does that mean you have an actual rebuttal or counterpoint to them?

I cannot change the players mentality of how easy or hard they want the game, but that fact i am stuck on a server and have to pay more money, to preserve or transfer my data to a fully functional server is still a toxic issue. When server transfers open up in wotlk, the issue will still prevail. Blizz has to step in. You can suggest I go to Grobbulus, but I for example do not live in US W, I live in US E, and the timezone doesn’t fit my gaming schedule for example.

I understand that as I am USE as well in NY. BUT youre missing the point I’m not saying you have to play on Grobb, what im saying is instead of posting threads like these maybe your time is better spent organizing either mass xferrs/a reroll thread to these other server who are still high pop and start fixing the faction imbalances on them AS a community instead of trying to get blizz to fix them from this thread? Naw meen my dude?

edit and yes I know its hard and whatever I said im playing devils advocate in my first post on the thread. And imo BENE/FAER are lost in the sauce and arent coming back which is why I said other servers.

Still my previous statement remains, I cannot change players mentality, as players are severely toxic in game when you bring up population numbers, or re-rolling. The level of narrow-mindedness in players is clearly prevalent, as you can see by server numbers, which is why Blizzard ought to step in, and make some effort to mitigate the issue, I really don’t understand why you are so against the idea of them helping in some way or another to balance the problem that persists on all US PvP servers. Which in essence hurts pvp servers more then pve servers longevity. Blizzard created this problem by adding the paid transfer feature, now they can remedy the problem by helping in some type of way.
Also, from NY aswell.

Im against us as a people needing the hand that fees to step in and bail us out. Nothing wrong with that. if thats the case, just merge faerlina nd benediction together… problem solved.

Also I think youd find a lot more support if you tried organizing something instead of a thread like this, more than you think TBH. People seeing someone taking a lead/charge in an organized and well thought out way creates trust in the movement and gains momentum more than all these thread asking/complaining on #BlizzardBailOut.

ya NY is getting wild js js

I’d love to see 100% horde servers and 100% alliance servers forcefully merged. This should continue until all PVP servers are at least relatively close to 50 / 50.

I really don’t like being on a server that started at 50 / 50 and is now at 100% horde. This isn’t what I signed up for.


Problem solved. BUT you guys do know that there is a blue post stating they will be forcefully merging servers right?

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That will be neat for awhile until the players transfer away to form these 100% one faction realms again. They also need to stop selling realm transfers and continue to maintain some semblance of faction balance. Possibly by disabling the creation of a particular faction on a realm until it is stable again.

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I agree 100%. As I stated earlier in the thread I am strictly playing devils advocate here.

But, if they form again… THEN THAT TELLS YOU what the player base wants and what is the meta. If it forms like that a 2nd/3rd time then thats what happens because it is naturally occurring and unnatural intervention from blizzard doesnt matter/isnt needed. know what I mean?

I suppose it means there should be more PVE realms. There is no point in a single faction PVP realm. Offer these people free transfers to PVE realms and force PVP realms to be 50/50 or as close as possible.

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agree as well. people on BENE dont want WPVP and its just that simple. FAER doesnt want wpvp and they’ve curated an environment to support that.

Go online there and watch in STV while ppl cry about the 1 horde/ally killing them lmfaoooo.

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Hit the nail on the head with that statement.

I don’t know if it’s possible for them to do, but maybe they can incentivize people to use the server forums, then implement queue times for players of the dominating faction exclusively, and offer free transfers to a server where the opposing faction is dominating.

Many people won’t like it, but sometimes you have to be the “mean parent” to push for a better experience.


you know its hard to think that all these people who post about it and the million threads about it, no one would like it? :thinking:

I applaud this suggestion. Thanks for your contribution lol.

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