Suggestions to Fix the server Imbalance

As I posted this on another player’s thread, I felt it strongly needed to be posted in a thread of its own, and I am sure this has been touched upon in the forums by players many of times.
Blizzard please, Hear us.
These laissez-fair efforts toward the imbalance are crippling to the players (definitely us on PvP servers) gaming experience, just as dungeon farming/boosts are crippling to the longevity, and quality gaming experience of the players.
I understand you, as a company rake in lots of money by doing nothing to mitigate this issue, but this needs to be addressed, as it is not a fair response to us, the players.
I’ve been on the faction imbalance on 2 iterations of WoW-Classic, (as the Minority, and as the Majority) Vanilla, and TBC.
I would just like to say this is not a fun experience for either faction of the issue. Essentially PvP servers become PvE servers when you are the Majority, and when you are the Minority, you can’t find people to do anything other than PvP, or even items/players to buy/sell goods on the AH.
We the players, pay a $15 monthly fee, for a full game. We do not get the full gaming experience on these strongly imbalanced PvP servers that the game has to offer, we are forced to pay more money to follow the crowd, and still, we are not getting the full gaming experience, because the issue now persists on the newly, transferred server.

Simple spit-balling suggestions to fix the imbalance issue, that strongly effects pvp servers
** (take these suggestions with a grain of salt, as they are “spitballs”) **

  • Xserver layering, of pvp servers (not really a fan of this suggestion but here it is)
  • Cap imbalance limits (25%?, 33%? 40%?)
  • Offer free Transfers to specific servers that that struggle with the same issue, to mitigate both server imbalance issues
  • Incentivize in some way the imbalanced faction (also not a suggestion i agree with)
  • LOCK Faction specific character creation, and server Xfers to the overpopulated faction on the server in query.

Mega Server = problem solved.

Thank you all so much for your appreciation. It was a great answer I know. I have more!


A solid spit-balling recommendation, thank you for your contribution.

Micro servers with only 50 people allowed on each faction. It was a great answer I know. I have more!

IMO it’s far too late for current server, no one is going to want to transfer to an unknown fate, you can’t cap them at this point as some servers are nearly 100% one faction and that would be unfair to the faction, like mankrik, we didn’t ask to be 95%+ horde, we’re not even pvp.

Blizzards only chance for balanced servers is somehow having a miracle with the fresh ones.

  • Offer free Transfers to specific servers that that struggle with the same issue, to mitigate both server imbalance issues
    I feel this suggestion fixes that issue, to some extent no?
    Even if it does not, you have a combination of suggestions here that can be used to mitigate the horrible number imbalances. I understand the game is old content, which what also an unforeseen issue beforehand, that people will only go for what is BiS, and ignore the rest of everything else, or get from A-Z in as little time as possible. Blizzard has made changes to try to remedy some issues they knew or have foreseen, like layering, that was not a thing back in the old days, so i think it is time they step in and make some effort any at all to give us a fair gaming experience.

Most people won’t take it, why would you leave your established server for the unknown? Look at something like mankrik, I KNOW i can get a group eventually, if I were to transfer to pagle, that’s out the window.

How can you be so sure? If not given the opportunity, for free. As you said we didnt ask to be 95%+ imbalanced. If the option is there, more then likely some people will take it, obviously you NOT* are forced to, but some kind of mitigation needs to be in order.

See, I understand because these server are toxic for the game. But really at the end of the day why do they care? its on us as a player base to fix the issue.

playing devils advocate here
1.) what does it matter? WPVP has no reward.
2.) The community needs to get together and say "hey lets make xxxx server 50/50 just as grobb does to sustain itself.

Because free transfers off massively full servers have been a thing, they still say massive.

Look at original classic launch, they offered transfers to new servers since everything was so crazy overloaded, couple months later all those new servers are dead.

Only people you get transferring are solo players and very small groups.

If the community as a whole actually cared about faction balance or server identity or any of the other trash, mega servers wouldn’t already exist. The fact that they do exist show that people want to play with other people. They want a thriving economy/AH.


and not to mention groups running things. Log into Atiesh or something and youll find like 5 posts in the LFG bulletin board.

wPvP does have a reward, you get honor, and the satisfaction of playing an MMORPG, and being able to go to war with your enemy for competition, that’s the beauty of an MMORPG, and not real life. Not needing permission to destroy your foe. That horde rogue scraping up that sweet sweet elementium ore just before you land? Welcome to the PvP aspect of the MMORPG, time to battle for it.

Oh, thank you for that.

Cross sever? The thing that has been passionately criticized by the Classic community?

Prevents people from playing with friends.

No one takes free transfers to struggling servers.

What would be the incentive? Please, don’t tell me the incentive is a increased EXP gains.

Prevents people from playing with friends.

thats subjective to you, sir. Want honor? Join a BG not everyone really enjoys WPVP for 20 honor. JS. Me personally I play on all PVP servers I’m just saying all in all it really doesnt matter whatsoever its a problem that is a problem because people MAKE it a problem. Dont like these mega servers? DONT PLAY ON THEM. dont like the mega server? you people need to start taking accountability and making a toon of the opposite faction on a server(not mega servers which are 2) start thriving and making groups. you complain about community but dont do anything to activate the community to do anything…

Grobbulus literally has a community that hosts events to keep the balance on the server THATS CLASSIC, and THATS COMMUNITY. Start taking notes and fix your own problems.

your answers are cookie-cutter irrational answers that suggests there aren’t other servers. And as previously mentioned these are spitballing ideas, obviously blizz can work around it. Just as they have with Layering, which was, has, and still is being strongly abused since classic vanilla.

Ok… does that mean you have an actual rebuttal or counterpoint to them?

I cannot change the players mentality of how easy or hard they want the game, but that fact i am stuck on a server and have to pay more money, to preserve or transfer my data to a fully functional server is still a toxic issue. When server transfers open up in wotlk, the issue will still prevail. Blizz has to step in. You can suggest I go to Grobbulus, but I for example do not live in US W, I live in US E, and the timezone doesn’t fit my gaming schedule for example.

I understand that as I am USE as well in NY. BUT youre missing the point I’m not saying you have to play on Grobb, what im saying is instead of posting threads like these maybe your time is better spent organizing either mass xferrs/a reroll thread to these other server who are still high pop and start fixing the faction imbalances on them AS a community instead of trying to get blizz to fix them from this thread? Naw meen my dude?

edit and yes I know its hard and whatever I said im playing devils advocate in my first post on the thread. And imo BENE/FAER are lost in the sauce and arent coming back which is why I said other servers.

Still my previous statement remains, I cannot change players mentality, as players are severely toxic in game when you bring up population numbers, or re-rolling. The level of narrow-mindedness in players is clearly prevalent, as you can see by server numbers, which is why Blizzard ought to step in, and make some effort to mitigate the issue, I really don’t understand why you are so against the idea of them helping in some way or another to balance the problem that persists on all US PvP servers. Which in essence hurts pvp servers more then pve servers longevity. Blizzard created this problem by adding the paid transfer feature, now they can remedy the problem by helping in some type of way.
Also, from NY aswell.