Suggestions for making rp servers unique

Some real neat suggestions here, which is a nice pleasant conversation for us all to have and that is all it is because Blizzard does not care and never will what RPers think.

My pointing that out is not hostility toward anyone here but frustration at the completely nil results of over a decade of appealing to Blizzard for features just like these and met with mostly complete silence and occasional mockery from the devs.

So, yeah, being told it’s my fault for not being positive by someone who has apparently just tralala’d into the conversation right now with no idea how these suggestions always go over with the House of Hazzikostas is pretty insulting.


How does this thread affect you personally? If you have nothing beneficial to add to the conversation, then why are you posting?

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I’m here for that beautiful phrase:

If you were going to set out with the intent to be rude and dismissive to pretty much anyone not typing the point of view you want to see, why bother making a thread at all?

Nobody who treats people like this can rightly demand positivity. You fouled your own water from the word go.

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No one does. That is the point. This conversation will lead to you being disappointed. If you’re okay with that, carry on I guess.

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We can’t even have the ever elusive chair technology in Org.


There’s a suggestion I can get behind.

Put chairs in orgrimmar!

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Sidebar to respond to this–how come the Horde can build 40 foot tall death scorpion robots but not, like, a chair, because orcs still have to sit down

This is why you’re getting these responses. This, whether you intended it to be or not, is condescending.

Countless players have been requesting the language barrier be dropped since Vanilla. This is a “Blizzard doesn’t want to do it” issue, not a “we’re not begging them hard enough” issue.


Harsh seething take but TBH I feel like having given Blizzard my money for something like fifteen years means I should not have to leap through additional burning hoops to see them treat player requests with basic respect and consideration

It’s not that hard. Other competing MMOs don’t appear to have this problem.


Okay Team Levington, I’ll just add that to my list:

“Blizzard Employee”
“Passive Aggressive”

I called you what, negative? Pessimistic? Did you need a cookie and some warm milk before bed?

Imagine thinking you can talk to people this way and not receive a drop of blowback.

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All you’ve given me is blowback from the start. At this point you’re just trolling my OT.

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You were condescending to someone, you got called on it. All you have done is feign victimhood since that very moment.

You seem like you started this with good intentions, Alunasari, and didn’t realize the years-long backlog of frustration you accidentally stepped into. That’s totally understandable. But you’re being really condescending and rude to any input that’s not what you want to hear, which is less so.

I get that it’s gotta be frustrating to try to make a positive thread encouraging helpful participation from the community only to hear grumbling in response. I think we’ve all been there. Just understand that frustration is exactly the sensation we veteran WoW RPers feel at having all this dredged up yet again after we’ve been trying for fifteen years no to get these suggestions heard and being met with dismissal.

The backlash isn’t about you, really. I get the feeling you’re new enough to have had no idea what you were stepping into. That’s clearly not your fault. Lashing out at people in return isn’t gonna help your case, though.


Right, so taking snippets of what I said out of context and quoting them here makes me condescending…okay…

Wow…and I’m condescending?

I’m done with Team Levington for the night, and forever.

Yes, they have. As that barrier becomes more and more dropped (and actually HAS been listened to, with the opt in/opt out system provided by the potion of tongues) we can presume that maybe the feedback will be listened to.

The thing is, players are not entitled to every little thing they want, just because they want it. At the time, the language barrier made sense. Especially since there’s cases of it being abused in pre-release WoW, when Undead could use Common.

Now, the culture of the game has changed. The culture of the players has changed. And over time, Blizz has been making these changes. High Elves have been requested for over a decade. Now, as the game has changed to allow more and more races and variants, they finally exist within the game.

Just because something is, doesn’t mean it must be. Frankly, constructive arguments and feedback to Blizzard are not helped by the handful of people who yolo in with the INCREDIBLY tiresome diatribe of “bLiZzArD dOeSn’T lIsTen”

Like, for goodness sake, what does that contribute? They’ve actually made a lot of positive changes DUE TO LISTENING to player feedback, very recently in the grand scheme of things. High Elves, crossfaction roleplay, allied and sub races - we’ve been given all these very old requests recently. Is it so unreasonable to think that maybe there’s change on the horizon? That maybe it’s worth restating, or asking for some of these things again, due to the positive change we’ve literally seen VERY recently?

Sure, maybe they won’t listen. I’m sure nobody here expects Blizzard to suddenly change their entire way of doing things because someone made a forum post. But it doesn’t serve you or anyone else to overwrite constructive feedback or criticism with boring and repetitive witticisms about how bad Blizzard is. What does it accomplish?


K, I tried to be conciliatory. You all saw it.


:thinking: :point_down:

(Emphasis mine.)

What part of that is not condescending?


And she will never know the real reason why this bizarre “team Levington” thing is the comedy hit of the summer