Ok I know most people that are doing heroics or h++ Are mainly doing it for the essences.
But you know there are some of us That you know actually do need the item drops and yes you do have the option to ask But until Atlas loot Gets an update there’s no way for us to tell what drops from where.
Speaking as a tank I can’t tell you how annoyed I was when I finally got lucky enough to do a full hos++ To get the one handed tanking mace From the first boss.
And that’s before we talk about badges If the whole point of this phase is to catch up but if everybody just wants 5k gs Even for normal heroics and h++ And everybody’s skipping more than half the bosses how can people gear up ?
So I was thinking of this 1 Put heroic and h++ On different lockouts This way if somebody does need the normal heroic for whatever reason they can still do it.
2 For every single boss killed in the Instance One additional Essence will drop from the final boss. This will encourage people to kill the entire dungeon and just not skip to the end.
I don’t know call me crazy But you know when I like to do a dungeon. I like to you know do the whole thing I know scary thought
I think getting a second essences from the last boss if all other bosses were killed is a great idea! Almost doubling the rate of acquisition of those darn essences would be a nice plus too.
Thank you for the compliment but What I meant was the last boss wouldn’t just drop one 2 In total I mean it would drop one additional for each boss you killed For example in an 3 Bosses so its wud Drop 3 Total.
And see if you only think I would wonder if they did put that Put that in if it was only one additional. Would people really go back to kill every single boss just for 1 Additional ?
I don’t know But then again there is a question. If it did work like that how much faster would people basically get completely geared in 10 Ulduar Hard mode gear but then again I don’t think that would be a bad thing either.
I’m just saying something to make people. You know not skip every single boss and go right to the end.
Ok thas you Just because it’s true for you doesn’t mean that True for all on top of that it would make it Easier for new people to come back to the game.
You know isn’t that the point of this phase Cough cough toc the Catch up phase which again is a reason why they should have put in rdf But different form post.
They could just make every boss drop sidereal essences so the 10 man loot grind isn’t too much of a slog but since it is the people will min max the poor amount of currency acquisition and the absurd high cost of loot. But I get it , they want people to do 10 man uld gdkps so they buy more wow tokens.
See The reason I don’t want them to drop from the bosses because if all the essences drop from the final boss Then people feel required to finish it.
I mean again depends on who you ask as far as acquisition. Some people think it’s too slow some people think it’s too fast and they Hate the idea people get hard man loot from five Man’s.
But I get what you’re saying And for the record I don’t know what they are on your server but Not even 5k ? For a Token not worth it.