Succubus is sexist please remove/ incubus incoming

Your trying to take away the Warlock’s baby girl… I think this might be the place to crusade about custody.

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The fact that you assign ownership to her proves my point

Censoring things for the liberals and socialists again, let’s keep pretending like things like this matter to literally anyone at all, ever.

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No i can’t, there are no male pets that used their body to seduce the warlock’s opponent, if there are, im willing to advocate for its removal as well, just to make it fair.

social justice troll, go ruin some other game.


I can force my void walker to draw an enemies complete attention… making that enemy incapable of interacting with any other target for a time… using nothing but that void walkers natural abilities.

Another way of putting that would be seduction.

Now you’re just being willfully obtuse if you think a tank mob work like succubus.

Are saying that’s its impossible for the void walker attractive to a humanoid?

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I have challenged him to an annoyance competition, but he just ignores my attempts…

The lack of the Voidwalker’s bipedal stature is offensive. Please remove.

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Don’t body shame the Void walker - just because it doesn’t conform to your sense of beauty.


Heck, we’ve got people complaining about Succubus, even while Dryad opines and faces massive depression because people complained about her not showing enough on the mini-map. I feel so bad for Dryad and want to just give her a cup of coffee and a hug. :frowning:

All of you are heartless monsters.

Just ask them about their previous stance on skimpy mogs, where they said they should be removed because they brought out animal urges in men.

I got onto the ignore list and you can too! :+1:

The Naga don’t wear shirts, what about that?!

Wings, horns, hooves, what is this can we say Diablo?

Sometimes I can into an Irking mood myself, so I try but fail trying to take on this miserable human being… :v:

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If you have any issue with Dryad then go ahead create your own thread, this whataboutism is just pathetic.

That’s a diminished take

So do people actually believe this or did this just kinda turn into a random hang out topic?