Subtlety on cloak

Is this a must have on a fury warrior? Right now i have agi but am thinking of making the switch. Does it really make that much of a difference?

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Less threat is more pew pew!


anything that drops your threat is worth it in my opinion, prot warriors and prot pallies putting 2% threat enchant on their gloves helps too, they should all do it (altho feral druids bis is 15agi ofc). Just tanked a heroic with a geared fury warrior, he couldnt pull threat on my single targets much, but kept getting rekt WWing the extra mobs despite me doing alot of aoe threat as feral, not as much as a pally ofc but i doubt even most pally tanks could have kept him from getting himself killed. Yes, the shaman even refused to give him windfury he was still doing it, prior to this heroic i MT’d kara for the 4th week in a row just fine, and my gears not bis but it doesnt need to be, it was entirely his class mechanics fault and him as a player for wanting to play like its retail wow.

Its the sort of thing that causes healers to just make an excuse and bail at the first sign of trouble because they dont want the extra workload of dealing with yet another fury warrior zug zug who can’t control his threat. Now, you can min-max like the sweaty wannabe parser you likely are, or you can do what little you can to make being a fury warrior an attractive selling point to group content instead of an annoying burden. Get subtlety.

Do you pump hard enough in a 25 man raid setting to nearly pull threat? If you’re ~30k threat or so below the MT/OT, then stick with 12 agil. If you find yourself taking a hateful on gruul, get the reduced threat.

Though, you can just keep the 12 agil if you just watch your threat regardless.

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Are you having threat issues? If so… get Subtlety. If not… get Agility.


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Did you just assume my sweatiness? You sound mad, I’m guessing you’re the shaman in this scenario? Just asking a simple question my man.

im explaining something to someone who should have the common sense to not even make this thread because the logical choice was to get the subtlety if you could afford it, i raid and do heroics with a hunter, resto shaman and a feral druid tank if you are soo curious. A little more experienced than you.

Why should that be common sense? That’s the point of a question, because I don’t know. Sounds like you’re the sweaty one my friend, sweaty about this topic.

It’s not really worth it. The scenarios where you pull threat sub dosnt really help( in heroics). It’s generally off targets. Most of the time pick a caster mob and murder it and ignore its threat they don’t hit hard enough to bother you or your party.

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No one cares about threat, f threat, f the tank.
They just wanna pump. no brainer.

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Just need salv no issues lol

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Threat really isn’t an issue anymore thanks to salvation and the talent for -10%. If the tank can’t keep aggro over both of those then there’s something wrong. You could try shrouding potions… probably be the only guy that ever uses em.

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Subtlety is overrated (by overrated, I mean overvalued since it does a lot less than folks think), and because threat redux is multiplicative it’s actually less than 2%.

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If you have good tanks (and a Paladin), it’s not really necessary.

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Thanks for the answers everyone. Much appreciated.

Are you watching me or something? How do you know these things! :wink:

You could have 2 cloaks, 1 with each enchant. Then swap as the tank swaps from mitigation to threat sets.

I’ve been thinking about this…

If your cloak is readily available or a similar one from a (badge/shard/rep) vendor perhaps, and you can afford the enchant, there’s no reason not to give it a run.

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his cloak is probably the 1k craftable…

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