Subscriptions are not changing

I mean… that doesn’t make it better lol.

Would it surprise you if you found out that activision paid people to white knight them relentlessly? I know I wouldn’t be shocked in the least. It’s a scandal waiting to happen IMO.

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At least we now know what the new outrage of the week on GD will be. As the GD world turns.

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If you think people are angry because they thought subscriptions are changing I don’t know on what basis you thought you wanted to create this thread.

People are angry about game time going away. It takes away great options.

Idk, I just don’t think it’s worth getting this upset about. Yeah it sucks but not world ending.

I was getting worried when there hadn’t been any slaps to the face recently, glad the seasons back on track~

I’m confused. A sub fee is $15 a month, gets a bit less the more months you buy at one time.

How is this different?

Ah, that’s what this is about then. Now I understand. I suppose if they’re going to raise the sub fees then that’d be the least painful way to do it.

To be honest after checking around I can still purchase the 6 month subscription option at a discount. So, maybe the information I read on third party site was misleading or wrong or hasn’t taken effect yet.

I am not sure anymore about the changes, sorry, I don’t want to help spread misinformation either.

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It’s okay. I clicked on OP’s link and from what I saw, it seems to be a kind of 2 month deal for a special occasion called the Celebration Collection.

Idk, I don’t really care. While I think it would be a bad time to raise sub fees, even a little, we can still play via ingame gold so there’s that.

*Also, I didn’t quite understand what OP’s point was. I still don’t know. Moving on now.

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The pre-paid time could be bought in the same 1, 3 or 6/mo blocks as the sub with the same discounts.
Only the pre-paid time is changing.
Subs still(for now anyway) offer discounts for longer time commitments.

There was a lot of confusion initially with people referring to the pre-paid/time card as subs.

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Ah, that clears it up for me. Ty for this. I got confused because I started reading the whole thread and dang it went into the outfield in some places.

The entire point of this is to get people to sub and forget. It’s very common for people to sub to things and just forget they are subbed and keep paying for a product they don’t use for extended periods of time.

This change is pervasive and disgusting.

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I really don’t think so Nixe. If you forget to cancel your sub and have not been playing - as long as you contact CS in a timely way - they can usually refund it for you. So a mistake there does not usually cost you unless you REALLY forget it for a long time.

If they really wanted to lock folks in they would never give refunds and would have gotten rid of the 30 days for the WoW gold token.

I don’t know why the 30 and 180 day game time cards were removed - but I don’t think your suggestion is the reason for it.

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It’s a subtle way companies all around the world use. They rely on you forgetting to make that extra little off you before you notice it’s too late to ask for a refund.

There’s no excuse I’m sorry. It’s basically why gametime was altered. They want you paying more and they want your name on the payroll to show off as subs.

Don’t underestimate general discussion. People on here just want to spew negativity and cause uproars at any opportunity. It’s no as bad as others make it out to be. Half the people on this forum are just trolls and don’t even play the game.

yeah but how will it change with using Gold to play the game?! One gold token was one month of sub…is it now one token is 2 months? 3 tokens for 2 months?

Bro are you serious right now? What sort of lala land do you live in?

This concept has been discussed countless times on quarterly earnings. It’s why with other products you are offered “1 free month” you just gotta put in your card details. They bank on you forgetting so you stay subbed even if you’re not using the product.

You can come across as genuine but you’re anything but. You either got skin in the game or you’re incredibly coy.

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I wonder if they removed them, because they don’t like how people using wow tokens for those options?

The cost is the same per month (if a person got 30 days). If a person was buying discounted 90 or 180 day game time cards then the 60 day game card option is more. They don’t report subscription or game time metrics at the Quarterly Financial reviews. They have not in many many many years.

I am all for holding corporations responsible and accountable. I don’t know WHY they did this, but I don’t think it is as nefarious as some make it out to be. I suppose if they suddenly start reporting sub metrics again then you will have a point :slight_smile: