Subscriptions are not changing

Huh? That isnt even close to what I mean. Ok, you just aren’t getting it…time to move on

Bo, why should I have to do that bro? Why should I have to go through the step of unsubbing when we have been able to just buy a month?

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Didn’t you do just that by creating this post and jumping to the conclusion that people don’t know the difference between game time and subscription despite the many replies on different posts showing people clearly do?


Botters get their accounts banned, immediately go buy a new one with game time and a boost. You all think they care about the bottom line? If they make enough RW money from this that the bottom line is very low? Then why do they care? But hold on to those dreams!

Yeah thats what people are mad about.

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No, I didn’t. Click General Discussion and see for yourself.

I don’t really understand what you’re saying, no.

If you could try and reiterate it a little clearer, then maybe I would? What purpose would you have in fearing giving your credit card/debit card info to a company for no other reason than that your money might be stolen?

The are removing the discount for having the longer subscription size. So, yes, subscriptions are changing they are becoming more expensive for someone that was getting the 6 month subscription.

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I did. I am participating on at least 4 different topics on it on this GD and another 2 or 3 on the BR GD right now and people know exactly the difference between both.
Some refer to wow game time in general as either gametime or sub, but know the differences.
Did you actually bother going to these threads to read them or just read the titles and made your assumptions?


Now I know you’re lying because there’s at least two that have edited their OP stating they didn’t know it wasn’t about subs.

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Yep. The price for 6 months went from 129,90 to 149,90 in november and now to 199,90 in my country.


Please see above if you’re going to jump into this conversation without reading the full discussion:

Obviously not everyone knows. There’s bound to have a few here and there who had no idea about either, but mostly do, like 99% do.

Be honest, you’re just trolling and shilling for Blizzard and ironically being a hypocrite for calling out people for things you do yourself.

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And obviously my OP is aimed at those that don’t know.

Nah, you could have easily just replied these people and explain, like others did, but nope, you just needed your big OP to stoke the fires and troll.

I don’t even understand why you’re so upset. Read the post, it doesn’t even have an opinion it’s entirely informative.

Still cheaper than a sub. People still complain.

I’m flat out considering not resubbing. This was my method of buying gametime, 30d at a time, It’s what I feel comfortable with. Having to buy 60d feels exploitative.


I am a bit confused Quenya. How were the game time cards cheaper than the Subscription option or WoW gold tokens?

Are there fees on the Sub that are not applied to the game time cards/blocks? The base prices are/were the same otherwise.

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There’s nothing about this change that benefits wow players or subscribers.