Subscription Tax

That’s a ridiculous thing to say. You’re just a white knight who’s brain has been polluted into believing you have to pay for other people lack of effort and self imposed misfortunes.

Not exactly the fastest growing state (mind you my state actually has a shrinking population).

A fake Indian is gonna run. Good luck with that

What constitutes the tax though? If I pay for a server transfer, is that entertainment? Will it get taxed?

If Battle for Azeroth isn’t entertaining, should it be subject to an entertainment tax?

You still pay a WoW sub tax in NH.

How did you even find a six-month-old post?

Somebody has to pay to Narcan scroungers I suppose.

Same with Minnesota, and in 2016 we had 9 people who reported and paid their online tax.

Because that’s was about how long bliz was charging me tax in a tax-free state because of a database error on their end with hidden data you can’t see from your account page. If you don’t usually check like I don’t usually check, then can’t hurt to check.

See you all next January I guess?

luckily you play a game that uses virtual gold. they can’t tax that.

Just the sub and the tokens I buy to get the virtual gold. But they fixed it, so it’s a non-issue for me now. Just saying, you could live in a tax-free state, have all your paypal/bliz account updated, and be getting taxed anyhow.

yeah right they taxed me for buying a mount using wow gold through battle net balance. not even a real item- just a digital pixel mount---- so freaking lame

all internet sales require tax now

That seems to be a problem with your country and doesn’t apply to others. And the idea that taxation is theft is dumb.


Well, I necro’d this to just put it out there - You don’t get taxed if you live in a tax-free state, but they can still be taxing you by accident. That’s what happened to me because I wasn’t paying attention. For 6 months.

According to my bank app, my state, Idaho, hasn’t done anything that wild yet.

Damn, I didn’t even notice this thread was old.

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I mean I hope the tax is paid by the distributor and not the person paying the subsciption since subscriptions are already ludicrously expensive.

Ya my bad :rofl: I was just real upset that I had been paying tax for 6 months because of the way Bliz’s database keeps track of your sub. I re-subbed like 6 years ago, and then moved to a tax-free state a year after.

All data was updated on my end, but on Bliz’s end, the initial sub showed “tax state” even though none of my bliz/paypal settings were in a tax state anymore.