Subscription Tax

It’s because of where the service that is being provided comes from.

California has an internet sales tax.

Especially when things AREN’T really all that cheaper. Companies still mark up their products for sky-high profit, regardless of how cheaply they can have it made.

Ridiculous if you ask me, in Canada people already pay like 30% of all their earning to taxes on average if you factor in the average joe who drinks a little beer smokes a little stuff and pays his taxes, the government is literally adding random charges of $1 or $2 when the production cost is 50 cents. lol

Well… you don’t consent, you don’t have the option to say yes or no, therefore it is, is it not ? what if I don’t want to go to jail or pay garnishments but I wish to not consent to taxes. its forced money being removed, how is that different than someone forcibly taking your money. People should have the right to opt out of services such as the fire department coming to save your burning home if they don’t wish to pay for it.

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It’s not - You don’t pay the tax if you live in a tax-free state. OR. If blizzard messes up and charges you by accident.

Sure, move somewhere that doesn’t tax you and see how well things turn out when things have no funding. Or you can go live out in the wild, hunt for good, make your own shelter. Tax free no?

I prefer living in society, where public stuff gets funded. An educated populace that make the world better.

I think that taxes do make for a good society, im just saying people cant really consent to it like a yes or no, so in a way it is theft, definition speaking.

You cant actually do this anyways because its illegal , you cant consent to living on someone elses property, if you lived in the middle of nowhere that’s still state property at some point and they will arrest you for setting a fire to cook your own food.

In another sense, you technically don’t have to work for a taxable income. It’s a cost-benefit decision, and in that sense, kind of consent-y.

Vagrancy is illegal though, if you don’t have money in a money-spending area you can literally be arrested, even though its not common.
so with no taxable income and no money generated, how do you literally do anything without being arrested? cant sleep in a park or public space, or state property, cant set a fire to cook your own hunted meat, its illegal to kill an animal without a license.

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Well, you can technically pay rent on a tax-free income if you’re willing to make some compromises. Even then, you’re still better off than our ancestors were, who would have traded shoes in a heartbeat for a crappy apartment on militarily protected land as opposed to a tent on the plains chasing buffalo or whatever.

Not just left leaning States. Texas has had online taxes for a long time now

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damn wont be long and you Mericans will be getting the TV tax :stuck_out_tongue:
lord knows theres billions to be made THERE haha :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not. You’re willingly living in the society where we established the rules. You can also vote on where your tax money goes. It’s only theft for those with large amounts of wealth that wish to hoard it more or those that have been fed so much that thinking anything that benefits 99% of the population is bad.

You benefit from the money taxed everyday. You might not need firefighters to come save your house because you can casually move to your next property, but hey, safer streets, more educated people, better standards of living all around.

Research being funded that can also benefit you. Since you’re selfish, you can look at it in a selfish way. It all comes back to benefiting you.

Yep welcome to the government greed infecting the internet

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right just like people vote for putin or trump, right ?
im sure its not just… set up or something.

Well, probably in russia. In the u.s on the other hand we have our elections targeted by foreign nations and certain parties here welcoming the attacks so we can’t exactly improve our security.

But yes, your votes do matter in the long run. Your attitude is why people that vote for those horrible people get all the power. They’re the ones that go out and vote while you’re on the forums saying it’s all set up.

Yup it sucks. I used to just grab a $20 Blizz card and sub to WoW, after three cards I’d have enough for another month. Not anymore…

Without looking it up, can you tell me what time of the year to plant sunflower seeds, and how deep into the soil to place them? Or the average temperature on the surface of Phobos, and which planet it orbits? Or where to find the voltage regulator in a 2006 Sonata?

Absolutely everyone is ignorant about a great number of things. Even the most highly educated genius will have lapses in knowledge, and not everyone is an expert on internet logistics.

In Germany we pay 12,99€ = $14,42 per month without taxes :smiley: