Subscription Tax

Ok, little Political Science lesson for you, it is WAY easier to get a 60% vote on something than to change ANY constitution. Every state constitution has the same requirements to change that the US one does. A 75% agreement in BOTH chambers house and senate.

Second, no, at least in Florida any new item being taxed requires the vote. We JUST added Vapes to the same tax cigarettes pay and yes that was a 60% vote on the ballot.

I don’t rule anything out. Ever.

Not Colorado… it’s stupid easy to change things here to the point we raised the ballot access requirements to make it harder.

Heh? Im just saying I already pay tax on my wow sub. So I dont really care for the subject. I dont see how you think I think its Blizzards fault, as I say I already have to pay taxes which is a government thing.

Not entirely sure what you’re referring to here. The requirements to amend the Colorado Constitution are indeed less stringent but not dramatically so: two-thirds of each chamber of the Colorado General Assembly must vote affirmatively for a proposal to make it to the ballot for a statewide vote. A “super majority” of 55% of registered statewide voters then must vote to pass it for the Amendment to be ratified (unless the Amendment only seeks to remove language rather than add to it, in which case a simple majority is all that is required).

Citizens themselves can get measures onto the ballot if they can get the signatures of at least 5% of the number of registered voters from the prior gubernatorial election to support the measure through our state initiative program, but it still needs to be voted in the affirmative by 55% of the registered voters for it to become law.

We also have the TABOR amendment (taxpayer bill of rights) which prevents state or local governments from raising or levying any new taxes without voter approval and prevents those same governments from spending revenues collected under existing tax rates without voter approval if revenues grow faster than the rate of inflation and population growth.

Colorado has some of the most restrictive policies against tax growth without voter approval in the nation.

I live in a low tax state there are no services here.

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Also from ohio

O H!

Well almost true, the Florida constitution article vii section 19 states that:

“Supermajority vote required to impose, authorize, or raise state taxes or fees

(a) SUPERMAJORITY VOTE REQUIRED TO IMPOSE OR AUTHORIZE NEW STATE TAX OR FEE. No new state tax or fee may be imposed or authorized by the legislature except through legislation approved by two-thirds of the membership of each house of the legislature and presented to the Governor for approval pursuant to Article III, Section 8.

(b) SUPERMAJORITY VOTE REQUIRED TO RAISE STATE TAXES OR FEES. No state tax or fee may be raised by the legislature except through legislation approved by two-thirds of the membership of each house of the legislature and presented to the Governor for approval pursuant to Article III, Section 8.”

That is 60% (two-thirds) vote of “each house of the legislature” not “60% vote of the populace”

sadly that sounds good. It about right for taxes. health care in America is very bad. Even with corrupt law.

So, if you go down to Wal-Mart and buy a 60 days Game card you have to pay state tax on that purchase, 'eh?

Let me just stop paying taxes and see how that goes. We didn’t volunteer to have our paychecks decimated.

At least I also can’t afford health insurance, so that’s a plus! Owait…

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I will buy my game time off the AH… Then someone else can pay my Ohio Sales Tax

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Utahn here. My subscription just came out and it was $16.05 instead of the normal $14.99 so I guess they started charging tax here now too.

I live in Cali. They’re thinking of ways to tax us on breathing

“All citizens must now wear a breath collar. This will measure the carbon dioxide to oxygen ratio of each breath and calculate an appropriate 10% tax based on the ratio. All citizens must pay this tax, failure to do so will result in repossession of breathing apparatus.”

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Im still fuming from my right to be mandated healthcare under penalty of a fine

Taxation is theft


If you don’t like it in California, you should leave. Plenty of other people wanting your space. The only problem in California is the lack of housing because so many, many, many people want to move here.

As for the high taxes, we like them. There was a ballot measure last November to lower the state gasoline tax. It failed. We like our high taxes.

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Out of curiosity, is California really the gold-paved sunshine land of wonders it is often made to look in films, or is it just another miserable hive of people that pretend they are a perfect community instead of at one another’s throats?


The 2nd one. Valley and major cities are full of drug addicts and fecal matter…quite literally. I would move, but my girls tribe is here and her native culture is very important to her. I would never ask her to leave that