Subscription Tax

That’s the kind of thing that those pesky labor unions were organized for, to protect against unfair business practices. A shame that the kind of workers who are losing jobs to such schemes are the same ones that tend to vote for a certain party that is anti-labor.

Perhaps such voters should reexamine their priorities.


You are right but the unions are making money off it too and in some cases have become more concerned w/ protecting their own existence.

Plus it isn’t a one side verus the other. I would love it if it was, would make life so much easier. Both right and left use and manipulate while glad handing and assuring people they are doing their best to protect them.

I still say why we keep going in debt? The amount some pay on taxes is nuts.

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As of now, digital only goods are exempt from sales tax in some states.

The laws are always changing and you can expect more, not less, states to charge tax on digital only goods in the future.

Current average sales tax rate by state, lowest to highest.

(an average because in many states the rate varies depending on your county or municipality).

New Hampshire – 0%

Delaware – 0%

Montana – 0%

Oregon – 0%

Alaska – 1.76%

Hawaii – 4.35%

Wisconsin – 5.42%

Wyoming – 5.46%

Maine – 5.50%

Virginia – 5.63%

District of Columbia – 5.75%

Kentucky – 6.0%

Maryland – 6.00%

Michigan – 6.0%

Idaho – 6.03%

Vermont – 6.18%

Massachusetts – 6.25%

Pennsylvania – 6.34%

Connecticut – 6.35%

West Virginia – 6.37%

South Dakoda – 6.40%

New Jersey – 6.60%

Utah – 6.77%

Florida – 6.80%

North Dakoda – 6.80%

Iowa – 6.80%

Nebraska – 6.89%

North Carolina – 6.95%

Rhode Island – 7.00%

Indiana – 7.00%

Mississippi – 7.07%

Ohio – 7.15%

Georgia – 7.15%

South Carolina – 7.37%

Minnesota – 7.42%

Colorado – 7.52%

New Mexico – 7.66%

Missouri – 8.03%

Nevada – 8.14%

Texas – 8.17%

California – 8.54%

Kansas – 8.68%

Illinois – 8.70%

Oklahoma – 8.91%

New York – 8.94%

Alabama – 9.10%

Washington – 9.18%

Arkansas – 9.41%

Tennessee – 9.46%

Louisiana – 10.02%

Sigh… Toss out as much right wing propaganda as you want, the simple fact is, if ANY state tried to tax people in another state, it would be challenged in court and would NEVER go into effect. Any judge in the country would lock this down with an injunction in about 5 minutes.

You’re correct, and I may be beginning to get pedantic here but:

The ruling says that states can require businesses in other states to collect the sales tax.

So if you live in Ohio and buy from a business located in California it used to be that Ohio could ask you to pay tax but couldn’t require the company you were buying from to collect the tax, like they do with brick and mortar stores, unless the California company had a physical presence in Ohio.

Under the new rules Ohio can require the company you’re buying from to collect the tax, don’t have to but can.

Ohio can not tax the California company, and California can not tax Ohio citizens, but Ohio can tax Ohio citizens and require the California company collect that tax.

But that would pull money out of the pockets of the politicians and we can’t have that!

The mafia doesn’t like it when people don’t cough up their “protection” money

Glad I live on an island in the middle of nowhere. Seems like the world around me is slowly rotting as time goes by. Some days I wish every human on the planet, including myself, would just simultaneously drop dead.


I would not mind the taxes, if we had free “good” health care (like we should have, in 2019.)

I have these large taxes, then I have medical insurance through work, then if I ever had to have a heart operation or something (nothing wrong now, knock on wood), I’d have to have my wages garnished until I died (even AFTER insurance paid.)

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I have a 60% income tax and heavily subsidised, absolute garbage healthcare, where dentists are impossible to find and cancer patients are sent home early, then die because of hospital overcrowding.

You think you want “free” healthcare but trust me, it sucks and the quality drops like a rock. Our doctors do their own paperwork because it’s cheaper and they spend more time doing it than treating patients.

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For many years now in Arizona. If you have a problem with it, rather than just a question about it, you will need to speak to your legislative representatives in your state and have them explain it.

I hope the tax is not to high, adds about…$.80 in Az I believe.

I guess it will go like it always goes. The miserable changes creep up on the populace slowly, so slowly that by the time all have noticed the effects they simply wearily accept them instead of opposing them. The lack of will opens the way for yet more slow and steady misery as the most selfish and well-positioned begin to take advantage of these new pathways of exploitation. Humanity would rather passively continue their dull, predictable and safely orderly lives than try to shake up the foundations with a movement that could bring back a bit of self-awareness. One can never know the nature of such movements, be they good or bad, but I’d rather something stirred the waters in the next century than be lying on my deathbed and finding things haven’t changed at all.

Correct. But they can’t tax customers in Florida who shop with that Ohio company.

Ohio isn’t taxing Floridians. Ohio stores is charging tax Florida telos them to, if Florida tells them to.

I pay no tax because I’m not in the US.

I know… I’m JUST referring to the guy who seems to think this is a nationwide thing. It’s not.

PS: Florida is not either.

sad when you’re taxed on your amusement :frowning:

The ruling that states they can do it though is, so don’t be surprised if your state starts to. It’s a huge tax revenue to tap into.

The Florida state constitution stipulates that any new tax must be approved by a 60% vote of the populace. So that’s not happening any time soon.

You never know. Constitutions can be changed. I wouldn’t rule it out.

It’s also not a new tax, it’s standard sales tax, just on a category that you couldn’t collect on before.