Subscription Tax

Well it depends on the state. Some states don’t collect income tax, some don’t collect sales tax. Not familar w/ Florida other than you guys have an inordinate amount of mosquitos that try to suck me dry everytime I visit. And manatees. I like them.

We do have sales tax, but again, it’s not charged on digital purchases.

Actually in Ohio here you are asked every tax season how much you spent online and you technically were supposed to be paying sales tax on your purchases for a while now.
I just over estimate and let them keep what I am getting back on my state taxes to shut them up.

I wouldnt tell them squat. I would make them prove it. I would put down i purchased $100 worth of stuff. My name isnt attached to the revenue, its not like my credit card send the state my taxes i paid, in my name, or the retailer. Its just a lump sum they send to the state, thats how my glass business worked here in NY until i sold it and retired 2 years ago.

I suppose it isn’t in effect nationally yet.

Sadly NY has been charging us since almost the minute the damn thing was signed. Surprising I know.

yeah…i get what youre saying, but an old business of mine back in the mid 90s simply didnt fill out some stupid form when I closed it down.
They sent me an ‘estimated’ sales tax bill for $10,000.
You DONT want them estimating taxes you owe. They are VERY vindictive.

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So the tax is, what, a dollar?

Are you freaking out over a dollar? Would you like me to send you a dollar? Would that help?

NAFTA and GATT wiped out the Textile industry. North Carolina, South Carolina, Souther Virginia, northern Georgia.


Families who for generations had: made jeans, made shirts, mothers working next to daughters.



Very true. Thats why with my Ebay busines, i have everything broken down into sections for everything, postage, shipping, wrapping materials, my time, printer ink, everything per sale. Also for anything i buy through said business. PayPal sends a tax bill that is just one sum, say like $21,000 in sales, that has to be broken down and it usually comes out to me making a total of 6-7K after all deductions. So im on top of that big time.

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yeah…I dont screw with the tax man.
I made a small mistake years and years ago on a federal return. Was only like a $150 difference between my numbers and what they should have been.
Literally thought I was getting back $150 more than I guess was the accurate number.
so instead of just correcting my numbers mistake, the IRS went full flipping psycho retard on me. I had some rep basically screaming at me on the phone over it. I had to call back and finally got someone who was rational who talked me thru it. We got it figured out and I repaid the $150 with a check sent out that day.

Dont fool around with the tax man.
He can be VERY unpleasant.
I dont even take deductions Im entitled to because of it.
One stupid receipt goes missing and boom…your getting audited over $30.

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That’s just it, it’s NOT national. Looks like 14 states voted these laws in. (Either their representatives or the people themselves) Those states cannot impose taxes on other states. That’s a violation of the interstate commerce act of the constitution. Only the FEDERAL government can apply a nation wide sales tax on ANYTHING.

Yeap. I think the Joker said it best, “I’m crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS? Noooooo thank you!”


I almost liked your post but it seemed like an inappropriate response.

Most of my neighbors worked in a GM plant, when Nafta went into affect all their jobs vanished. They were told to “retrain, computers are the future” (Strangely a lot of those jobs have shipped out as well over the years). Some of them had been there for 20 plus years and now they are expected to to just pick up and do something else.

My blood boils everytime I think about Natfa and all this talk “don’t you like cheaper products?”.

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Unless you’re writing them a check, they aren’t interested in what you have to say.

yeah…check some of the other laws that abuse the crap out of the intent of the interstate commerce law.
Obama squeezed quite a bit of misuse out of it himself while in the white house.
Its standard operating proceedure these days.
I follow the law so I dont have corrupt officials tossing my rump in a cold prison cell.

My brother in law is an IT guy.
His old company started bringing in middle easterners on work VISAs, giving them a crash course, then they took the jobs of the citizens who wereworking there.
These companies are traitors to THIS country and should have their business licenses revoked after being fined into the dust.


That tax could have never been collected anyway because the FCC already protected text messages before the proposal was even revealed.

It wasnt a tax per message, it was a tax tacked on to the messenging service itself. Since there’s not enough people using landlines, their “poor people’s cell phone” program needs to make up the lost revenue and they’re looking for ways to tack it on to cell phone bills instead.

I couldn’t agree more, but there is too much money being made and thrown around to politicians on both sides of the spectrum.

Before anyone misconstrues, I have no objections to people coming here and working and making a better life for themselves and their families. I object to people being who work their fingers to the bone being cast aside like a broken bit for the sake of promoting a political agenda or padding a bottom line.

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When new laws are passed, they usually take effect on the 1st of the new year. This isn’t a choice by Blizzard, but rather their compliance with your state laws.


And you pay taxes on pretty much everything you buy. I am sure you went to the same restaurant and ordered the same thing at least twice at some point yet you still paid a tax both times. But yeah, Blizzard’s fault on this too right? /sigh

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